Item Detail
Mormonism at the Crossroads of Philosophy and Theology
Sandy, UT
Greg Kofford Books
Few scholars have made an impact on contemporary Mormon thought and theology like BYU Professor of Philosophy David L. Paulsen. Recently retired after nearly 40 years of teaching and mentoring, Paulsen has produced an imposing catalog of influential books and articles on Mormon teachings. More significant than his impressive scholarly oeuvre, however, has been his personal influence on generations of students, many of whom he inspired to become teachers and mentors themselves, and contributors to an increasingly interesting and relevant religious conversation. In addition, as one of the first serious LDS interlocutors with Orthodox Christian scholars, Paulsen has established professional and personal relationships with a wide array of non-LDS academics engaged in a serious and respectful dialogue regarding Mormonism and Christianity.This volume is a collection of essays representative of Paulsen's wide-ranging professional and personal influence, collected in honor of his many achievements and published on the occasion of his retirement. Each of the authors (a majority of whom are not LDS) has been impacted by Paulsen's scholarship and friendship in important ways, and have authored essays reflective of this dynamic. In addition, the essays are significant contributions to Mormon thought in and of themselves, covering diverse areas of inquiry from Mormon atheology to the possibility of an Evangelical Mormonism; from Liberation Theology to Mormon conceptions of divine embodiment; from Mormon approaches to transcendence to Mormonism's confrontation with evil and suffering, and many more.
In Defense of Methological Pluralism : Theology, Apologetics, and the Critical Study of Mormonism
Mormon Hermeneutics: Five Approaches to the Bible by the LDS Church
Mormonism and the Emotions : An Analysis of LDS Scriptural Texts
Scriptural Theology
The Bible and the Latter-day Saint Tradition (book)
"To Seek the Law of the Lord": Essays in Honor of John W. Welch -
1835 : Authority, Power and the "Government of the Church of Christ"
A Defense of the Authority of Church Doctrine
A Different Jesus? : The Christ of the Latter-day Saints
American Apocrypha : Essays on the Book of Mormon
"A Mother There" : A Survey of Historical Teachings about Mother in Heaven
An Appeal to the Inhabitants of the State of New York; Letter to Queen Victoria; The Fountain of Knowledge; Immortality of the Body, and Intelligence and Affection
An Approach to the Book of Mormon
An Insider's View of Mormon Origins
An Introduction to Mormonism
Anti-Intellectualism in Mormon History
An Uncommon Common Pioneer : The Journals of James Henry Martineau 1828-1918
'A Plainer Translation' : Joseph Smith's Translation of the Bible : A History and Commentary
A Rational Theology : As Taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Are Christians Mormon? Reassessing Joseph Smith's Theology in His Bicentennial
Awakenings in the Burned-Over District : New Light on the Historical Setting of the First Vision
Baptism for the Dead in Early Christianity
Book of Mormon Authorship: New Light on Ancient Origins
Book of Mormon Authorship Revisited : The Evidence for Ancient Origins
Bridging the Divide : The Continuing Conversation between a Mormon and an Evangelical
By the Hand of Mormon : The American Scripture that Launched a New World Religion
Claiming Christ : A Mormon-Evangelical Debate
Comparative Coherency of Mormon (Finitistic) and Classical Theism
Contemporary Mormonism : Social Science Perspectives
Craftsman or Creator? An Examination of the Mormon Doctrine of Creation and a Defence of Creatio ex nihilo
Discourses in Mormon Theology : Philosophical and Theological Possibilities
Divine Embodiment and Transcendence : Propaedeutic Thoughts and Questions
Divine Embodiment : The Earliest Christian Understanding of God
Doctrinal Commentary on the Book of Mormon
Doctrines of Salvation: Sermons and Writings of Joseph Fielding Smith
Does the Book of Mormon Reflect an Ancient Near Eastern Background?
Early Christians in Disarray : Contemporary LDS Perspectives on the Christian Apostasy
Early Mormonism and the Magic World View
Early Mormonism and the Magic World View
Early Scenes and Incidents in the Church [Letters to W. W. Phelps]
Echoes and Evidences of the Book of Mormon
Encyclopedia of Mormonism : The History, Scripture, Doctrine, and Procedures of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Equal Rites : The Book of Mormon, Masonry, Gender, and American Culture
Essentials in Church History
Eternal Man
Evidences and Reconciliations : Aids to Faith in a Modern Day
Exaltation and Gods Who Can Fall : Some Problems for Mormon Theodicies
Excavating Mormon Pasts : The New Historiography of the Last Half Century
Exploring Mormon Thought : The Attributes of God, Volume 1
Expressions of Faith : Testimonies of Latter-day Saint Scholars
Four LDS Views on Harold Bloom
God the Mother and Other Theological Essays
Hearken, O Ye People : The Historical Setting for Joseph Smith's Ohio Revelations
Historicity and the Latter-day Saint Scriptures
History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Period I : History of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, by Himself
How Deep the Chasm? A Reply to Owen and Mosser's Review;[by] Owen, Paul;[by] Mosser, Carl
How Joseph Smith Resolved the Dilemmas of American Romanticism
How Wide the Divide? : A Mormon & an Evangelical in Conversation
Investigating the Book of Mormon Witnesses
Isaiah in the Book of Mormon : Or Joseph Smith in Isaiah
Is Mormonism Christian?
Jesus the Christ: A Study of the Messiah and His Mission according to Holy Scriptures both Ancient and Modern
Joseph Smith
Joseph Smith : America's Hermetic Prophet
Joseph Smith and the Beginnings of Mormonism
Joseph Smith and the Doctrinal Restoration : The 34th Annual Sidney B. Sperry Symposium
Joseph Smith and the Hazards of Charismatic Leadership
Joseph Smith and the Historicity of the Book of Mormon
Joseph Smith and the Problem of Evil
Joseph Smith and the Trinity : An Analysis and Defense of the Social Model of the Godhead
Joseph Smith Challenges the Theological World
Joseph Smith Jr. : Reappraisals After Two Centuries
Joseph Smith's New Translation of the Bible
Joseph Smith, the Mormons, and Antebellum Reform : A Closer Look
Joseph Smith, The Prophet-Teacher
Jurisprudence and the Problem of Church Doctrine
Key to the Science of Theology
Knowing Brother Joseph Again : Perceptions and Perspectives
Korihor Speaks, or the Misinterpretation of Dreams;Inside the Mind of Joseph Smith : Psychobiography and the Book of Mormon. [by] Anderson, Robert D
Life in Utah; or, The Mysteries and Crimes of Mormonism
Line Upon Line : Essays on Mormon Doctrine
Lost Legacy : The Mormon Office of Presiding Patriarch
Marvelous Work and a Wonder, A
Monotheism, Mormonism, and the New Testament Witness
Moral Law, the Mormon Universe, and the Nature of the Right We Ought to Choose
Mormon Americana : A Guide to Sources and Collections in the United States
Mormon Identities in Transition
Mormonism in Dialogue with Contemporary Christian Theologies
Mormonism : Its Leaders and Designs
Mormonism : The Islam of America
Mormonism : The Story of a New Religious Tradition
Mormon Neo-Orthodoxy : A Crisis Theology
Mormons in Transition
Mormon Spirituality : Latter-day Saints in Wales and Zion
Must God be Incorporeal?
Mysteries of Godliness : A History of Mormon Temple Worship
N. L. Nelson and The Mormon Point of View
No Man Knows My History: The Life of Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet
No Middle Ground : The Debate over the Authenticity of the Book of Mormon
Omnipotence, Omnipresence, and Omniscience in Mormon Theology
Omnis on the Horizon
Opening the Heavens : Accounts of Divine Manifestations 1820-1844
"Partakers of the Divine Nature" : A Comparative Analysis of Patristic and Mormon Doctrines of Divinization
Perfection and Progression : Two Complementary Ways to Talk about God
Philosophical Theology for Mormons : Some Suggestions from an Outsider
Prophetic Messages or Dogmatic Theology? Commenting on the Book of Mormon : A Review Essay
Rebirth in Christ : A Latter-day Saint Perspective
Redeeming the Dead : Tender Mercies, Turning of Hearts, and Restoration of Authority
Redemption of the Dead : Continuing Revelation after Joseph Smith
Rediscovering the Book of Mormon
Rediscovering the Context of Joseph Smith's Treasure Seeking
Reexploring the Book of Mormon: A Decade of New Research
Rendering Fiction : Translation, Pseudotranslation, and the Book of Mormon
Revelation in Mormonism : Its Character and Changing Forms
Revelation, Reason, and Faith: Essays in Honor of Truman G. Madsen
Rube Goldberg Machines : Essays in Mormon Theology
Scriptural teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith
Searching for an Adequate Theodicy : David Griffin and Mormonism
Sources for the Study of Joseph Smith
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith
That Old Black Magic;Early Mormonism and the Magic World View. [by] Quinn, D. Michael
The American Religion : The Emergence of the Post-Christian Nation
The Articles of Faith : A Series of Lectures on the Principal Doctrines of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Burned-Over District : The Social and Intellectual History of Enthusiastic Religion in Western New York, 1800-1850
The Challenges of Defining Mormon Doctrine
The Development of the Mormon Understanding of God : Early Mormon Modalism and Other Myths;Mormonism and the Nature of God : A Theological Evolution, 1830-1915. [by] Widmer, Kurt
The Doctrine of Divine Embodiment : Restoration, Judeo-Christian, and Philosophical Perspectives
The Founder of Mormonism: A Psychological Study of Joseph Smith, Jr.
The God of Abraham, Issac, and Joseph Smith? God, Creation, and Humanity in the Old Testament and Mormonism
The Gospel : An Exposition of its First Principles; and Man's Relationship to Deity
The Harrowing of Hell : Salvation for the Dead in Early Christianity
The Idea of Pre-Existence in the Development of Mormon Thought
The Lectures on Faith in Historical Perspective
'The Mantle Is Far, Far Greater Than the Intellect'
The Mormon Concept of God
The Mormon Concept of God : a Philosophical Analysis
The Mormon Culture of Salvation : Force, Grace, and Glory
The Mormon Doctrine of Deity : The Roberts-Van der Donckt discussion
The Mormon Faith : A New Look at Christianity
The Mormon God, Omniscience, and Eternal Progression : A Philisophical Analysis
The Mormon Hierarchy : Extensions of Power
The Mormon Hierarchy : Origins of Power
The Mormon Missionary Companionship
The Mormon Trinity and Other Trinities
The New Mormon Challenge : Responding to the Latest Defenses of a Fast-Growing Movement
Theological Method and the Question of Truth : A Postliberal Approach to Mormon Doctrine and Practice
The Papers of Joseph Smith, Volume 1: Autobiographical and Historical Writings
The Papers of Joseph Smith, Volume 2: Journal, 1832-1842
The Personal Writings of Eliza Roxcy Snow
The Philosophical Foundations of Mormon Theology
The Possibility of Joseph Smith : Some Evangelical Probings
The Prophet Puzzle : Interpretive Essays on Joseph Smith
'The Prophet Puzzle' Revisited
The Prophet Puzzle: Suggestions Leading Toward a More Comprehensive Interpretation of Joseph Smith
The Prophet Puzzle: Suggestions Leading Toward a More Comprehensive Interpretation of Joseph Smith
The Psychology of Religious Genius : Joseph Smith and the Origins of New Religious Movements
The Redemption of the Dead : A Latter-day Saint Perspective on the Fate of the Unevangelized
The Reverend Dr. Peter Christian Kierkegaard's "About and Against Mormonism" (1855)
The Seventy's Course in Theology
The Shadow of the Cathedral : On a Systematic Exposition of Mormon Theology
The Shipps Odyssey in Retrospect
The Smiths and Their Dreams and Visions
The Supreme Power Over All Things : The Doctrine of the Godhead in the Lectures on Faith
The Sword of Laban : Joseph Smith, Jr. and the Dissociated Mind
The Temple of Promise : Jackson County, Missouri
The Theological Foundations of the Mormon Religion
The Truth, The Way, The Life : An Elementary Treatise on Theology
The Vision of Mormonism : Pressing the Boundaries of Christianity
The Words of Joseph Smith: The Contemporary Accounts of the Nauvoo Discourses of the Prophet Joseph
The World and the Prophets (The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, Vol 3)
This is My Doctrine : The Development of Mormon Theology
Time and Omniscience in Mormon Theology
'To Be Learned Is Good If ...' : A Response by Mormon Educators to Controversial Religious Questions
Toward an Introduction to a Psychobiography of Joseph Smith
What does it mean to be a Christian? The Views of Joseph Smith and Søren Kierkegaard
Why a Mormon Won't Drink Coffee but Might Have a Coke : The Atheological Character of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints