Smh Collection

Browsing 1–50 of 31273
Title Authors Publication Date Publication Type Cited By Count Citation Count
None 0 0
A Dream That Was a Reality 0 0
Fossilized LDS Church Phrases in the Usage of Eliza R. Snow Hunter, Marie Bourgerie 2015 1 1
Charles Rich Snelgrove Missionary Journal Snelgrove, Charles Rich;Layton, Alan F. Book 0 0
Chauncey W. West : Pioneer–Churchman West, Franklin L. Book 1 0
Chile : Segunda parte : investigación histórica Curbelo, Nestor Book 0 0
Diary, 1841-1843, 1855-1858. (Transcription) [Microfilm] Gibson, William, 1809-1875 Book 0 0
Diary, 1841-1858 Gibson, William, 1809-1875 Book 0 0
Dreams as Revelation Alford, Kenneth L.;Manscill, Craig K.;Woodger, Mary Jane Book 0 58
Journal (1887-1963) Hansen, Lydia Emma Whipple, 1887-1977 Book 0 0
The Midwest Pioneer : His Ills, Cures, & Doctors Pickard, Madge E.;Buley, R. Carlyle Book 5 0
Plural Marriage in America : A Critical Examination Smith, Heman C.;Smith, Hyrum O.;Smith, Joseph, III Book 3 0
Visions in a Seer Stone : Joseph Smith and the Making of the Book of Mormon Davis, William Book 17 77
View of the Hebrews, or, The Tribes of Israel in America Smith, Ethan 1825 Book 23 0
Delusions : An Analysis of the Book of Mormon ; with an Examination of Its internal and External Evidences, and a Refutation of Its pretences to Divine Authority Campbell, Alexander 1832 Book 115 0
Vicissitudes Illustrated, in the Experience of Nancy Towle, in Europe and America Towle, Nancy 1832 Book 5 0
A Book of Commandments for the Government of the Church of Christ Smith, Joseph, Jr. 1833 Book 54 0
Mormonism Unvailed : Or, a Faithful Account of That Singular Imposition and Delusion From Its Rise to the Present Time Howe, Eber D. 1834 Book 291 0
Record of the Twelve, 14 February - 28 August 1835 McLellin, William E.;Hyde, Orson 1835 Book 3 0
A Few Interesting Facts, Respecting the Rise Progress and Pretensions of the Mormons West, William S. 1837 Book 12 0
A Voice of Warning and Instruction to All People: Containing a Declaration of the Faith and Doctrine of the Church of the Latter-day Saints, Commonly Called Mormons. Pratt, Parley P. 1837 Book 72 0
Mormonism Unveiled : Zion's Watchman Unmasked Pratt, Parley P. 1838 Book 46 0
A Brief History of the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints (Commonly Called Mormons) Corrill, John 1839 Book 136 0
A Brief History of The Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints, from Their Rise until the Present Time Bishop, Francis Gladden 1839 Book 17 0
Diary of Samuel Whitney Richards Richards, Samuel W. 1839 Book 5 0
Facts Relative to the Expulsion of the Mormons, or Latter-day Saints from the State of Missouri, under the 'Exterminating Order' Greene, John Portineus 1839 Book 42 0
History of the Late Persecution Inflicted by the State of Missouri Upon the Mormons Pratt, Parley P. 1839 Book 42 0
An Appeal to the American People Rigdon, Sidney 1840 Book 36 0
History of Mormonism : Or a Faithful Account of That Singular Imposition and Delusion, With Sketches of the Characters of Its Propagators Howe, Eber D. 1840 Book 12 0
A[n] Interesting Account of Several Remarkable Visions, And of the Late Discovery of Ancient American Records Pratt, Orson 1840 Book 90 0
Journal of Heber C. Kimball Kimball, Heber Chase, 1801-1868 1840 Book 15 0
Late Persecution of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints Pratt, Parley P. 1840 Book 15 0
Late persecution of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints Pratt, Parley P. 1840 Book 3 0
Mormonism Exposed, Being a Journal of a Residence in Missouri from the 28th of May to the 20th of August, 1838 Swartzell, William 1840 Book 41 0
Mormonism Unmasked, Showed to be an Impious Imposture, and Mr. Bennett’s Reply Answered and Refuted Philanthropist of Chester County 1840 Book 1 0
The Origin of the Spaulding Story Winchester, Benjamin 1840 Book 15 0
An Appeal to the Inhabitants of the State of New York; Letter to Queen Victoria; The Fountain of Knowledge; Immortality of the Body, and Intelligence and Affection Pratt, Parley P. 1841 Book 9 0
Documents Containing the Correspondence, Orders, &c. In Relation to the Disturbances with the Mormons Missouri. Office of the Secretary of State 1841 Book 41 0
Evidences in Proof of the Book of Mormon Thompson, Charles Blancher 1841 Book 15 0
Mormonism Portrayed : Its Errors and Absurdities Exposed, and the Spirit and Designs of Its Authors Made Manifest Harris, William 1841 Book 18 0
The City of the Mormons : Or, Three Days at Nauvoo Caswall, Henry 1842 Book 56 0
Ein Ruf aus der Wuste, eine Stimme aus dem Schoose der Erde Hyde, Orson 1842 Book 8 0
Gleanings By the Way Clark, John A. 1842 Book 36 0
The History of the Saints: Or, An Expose of Joe Smith and Mormonism Bennett, John Cook 1842 Book 178 29
Mormon Fanaticism Exposed : A Compendium of the Book of Mormon, or Joseph Smith's Golden Bible. Also, the Examination of its Internal and External Evidences, with the Argument to Refute its Pretences to a Revelation from God. Argued before the Free Discussion Society in the City of Boston, July 1841 Parsons, Tyler 1842 Book 3 0
Mormonism and the Mormons Kidder, Daniel Parish 1842 Book 40 0
Mormonism In All Ages : Or, The Rise, Progress and Causes of Mormonism Turner, J. B. 1842 Book 54 0
A Voice from Jerusalem Hyde, Orson 1842 Book 23 0
The Absurdities of Mormonism Portrayed Olney, Oliver H. 1843 Book 22 0
General Joseph Smith’s Appeal to the Green Mountain Boys Smith, Joseph, Jr. 1843 Book 6 3