Smh Collection

Browsing 1–50 of 31522
Title Authors Publication Date Publication Type Cited By Count Citation Count
A Dream That Was a Reality 0 0
None 0 0
Fossilized LDS Church Phrases in the Usage of Eliza R. Snow Hunter, Marie Bourgerie 2015 1 1
Visions in a Seer Stone : Joseph Smith and the Making of the Book of Mormon Davis, William Book 17 77
The Midwest Pioneer : His Ills, Cures, & Doctors Buley, R. Carlyle;Pickard, Madge E. Book 5 0
Plural Marriage in America : A Critical Examination Smith, Heman C.;Smith, Joseph, III;Smith, Hyrum O. Book 3 0
Chauncey W. West : Pioneer–Churchman West, Franklin L. Book 1 0
Chile : Segunda parte : investigación histórica Curbelo, Nestor Book 0 0
Charles Rich Snelgrove Missionary Journal Layton, Alan F.;Snelgrove, Charles Rich Book 0 0
Journal (1887-1963) Hansen, Lydia Emma Whipple, 1887-1977 Book 0 0
Diary, 1841-1843, 1855-1858. (Transcription) [Microfilm] Gibson, William, 1809-1875 Book 0 0
Diary, 1841-1858 Gibson, William, 1809-1875 Book 0 0
Dreams as Revelation Woodger, Mary Jane;Manscill, Craig K.;Alford, Kenneth L. Book 0 58
View of the Hebrews, or, The Tribes of Israel in America Smith, Ethan 1825 Book 23 0
Delusions : An Analysis of the Book of Mormon ; with an Examination of Its internal and External Evidences, and a Refutation of Its pretences to Divine Authority Campbell, Alexander 1832 Book 116 0
Vicissitudes Illustrated, in the Experience of Nancy Towle, in Europe and America Towle, Nancy 1832 Book 5 0
A Book of Commandments for the Government of the Church of Christ Smith, Joseph, Jr. 1833 Book 54 0
Mormonism Unvailed : Or, a Faithful Account of That Singular Imposition and Delusion From Its Rise to the Present Time Howe, Eber D. 1834 Book 292 0
Record of the Twelve, 14 February - 28 August 1835 Hyde, Orson;McLellin, William E. 1835 Book 3 0
A Voice of Warning and Instruction to All People: Containing a Declaration of the Faith and Doctrine of the Church of the Latter-day Saints, Commonly Called Mormons. Pratt, Parley P. 1837 Book 73 0
A Few Interesting Facts, Respecting the Rise Progress and Pretensions of the Mormons West, William S. 1837 Book 12 0
Mormonism Unveiled : Zion's Watchman Unmasked Pratt, Parley P. 1838 Book 47 0
A Brief History of the Church of Christ of Latter Day Saints (Commonly Called Mormons) Corrill, John 1839 Book 136 0
History of the Late Persecution Inflicted by the State of Missouri Upon the Mormons Pratt, Parley P. 1839 Book 42 0
Facts Relative to the Expulsion of the Mormons, or Latter-day Saints from the State of Missouri, under the 'Exterminating Order' Greene, John Portineus 1839 Book 42 0
A Brief History of The Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints, from Their Rise until the Present Time Bishop, Francis Gladden 1839 Book 17 0
Diary of Samuel Whitney Richards Richards, Samuel W. 1839 Book 5 0
A[n] Interesting Account of Several Remarkable Visions, And of the Late Discovery of Ancient American Records Pratt, Orson 1840 Book 90 0
Mormonism Exposed, Being a Journal of a Residence in Missouri from the 28th of May to the 20th of August, 1838 Swartzell, William 1840 Book 41 0
An Appeal to the American People Rigdon, Sidney 1840 Book 36 0
Late Persecution of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints Pratt, Parley P. 1840 Book 15 0
The Origin of the Spaulding Story Winchester, Benjamin 1840 Book 15 0
Journal of Heber C. Kimball Kimball, Heber Chase, 1801-1868 1840 Book 15 0
History of Mormonism : Or a Faithful Account of That Singular Imposition and Delusion, With Sketches of the Characters of Its Propagators Howe, Eber D. 1840 Book 12 0
Late persecution of the Church of Jesus Christ, of Latter Day Saints Pratt, Parley P. 1840 Book 3 0
Mormonism Unmasked, Showed to be an Impious Imposture, and Mr. Bennett’s Reply Answered and Refuted Philanthropist of Chester County 1840 Book 1 0
Documents Containing the Correspondence, Orders, &c. In Relation to the Disturbances with the Mormons Missouri. Office of the Secretary of State 1841 Book 41 0
Mormonism Portrayed : Its Errors and Absurdities Exposed, and the Spirit and Designs of Its Authors Made Manifest Harris, William 1841 Book 18 0
Evidences in Proof of the Book of Mormon Thompson, Charles Blancher 1841 Book 15 0
An Appeal to the Inhabitants of the State of New York; Letter to Queen Victoria; The Fountain of Knowledge; Immortality of the Body, and Intelligence and Affection Pratt, Parley P. 1841 Book 9 0
The History of the Saints: Or, An Expose of Joe Smith and Mormonism Bennett, John Cook 1842 Book 178 29
Mormonism In All Ages : Or, The Rise, Progress and Causes of Mormonism Turner, J. B. 1842 Book 56 0
The City of the Mormons : Or, Three Days at Nauvoo Caswall, Henry 1842 Book 56 0
Mormonism and the Mormons Kidder, Daniel Parish 1842 Book 40 0
Gleanings By the Way Clark, John A. 1842 Book 36 0
A Voice from Jerusalem Hyde, Orson 1842 Book 23 0
Ein Ruf aus der Wuste, eine Stimme aus dem Schoose der Erde Hyde, Orson 1842 Book 8 0
Mormon Fanaticism Exposed : A Compendium of the Book of Mormon, or Joseph Smith's Golden Bible. Also, the Examination of its Internal and External Evidences, with the Argument to Refute its Pretences to a Revelation from God. Argued before the Free Discussion Society in the City of Boston, July 1841 Parsons, Tyler 1842 Book 3 0
The Prophet of the Nineteenth Century Caswall, Henry 1843 Book 37 0
The Absurdities of Mormonism Portrayed Olney, Oliver H. 1843 Book 22 0