Yellowstone Collection


John Wiley and Sons

Browsing 1–5 of 5
Title Author Publisher Year Collection
The west: wealth, wonderland and wilderness. In: J. Wreford Watson and Timothy O'Riordan, ed. The American environment: perceptions and policies, pp. [47]-62, illus. Runte, Alfred John Wiley and Sons [c1976] Books & Theses
Population dynamics of the Yellowstone grizzly bear. In: Dynamics of large mammal populations [eds.] Charles W. Fowler [and] Tim D. Smith, pp. 173–196, graphs, tables, 24 cm. McCullough, Dale R. John Wiley and Sons 1981 Books & Theses
The geologic story of the national parks and monuments [by] David V. Harris [and] Eugene P. Kiver Harris, David V. John Wiley and Sons [1985] Books & Theses
Regional geomorphology of the United States Thornbury, William D. John Wiley and Sons [1965] Books & Theses
The Yosemite, Alaska, and the Yellowstone. By William H. Willey and Sara King Wiley Wylie, William H, John Wiley and Sons [1893] Books & Theses