Yellowstone Collection


Books & Theses

Browsing 1–20 of 8447
Title Author Publisher Year Collection
Freshwater wilderness: Yellowstone fishes and their world [by] John D. Varley, Paul Schullery; illustrations by Michael Simon. Varley, John D. Yellowstone Library and Museum Association c1983] Books & Theses
Record of egg shipments from Yellowstone fishes, 1914–1955 Varley, John D. National Park service 1979 Books & Theses
Wildfire and wild trout in 1988: Do you want to hear the bad news or the good news first. In: Wild Tourt IV. Proceedings of the Symposium. Yellowstone National Park, September 18–19, 1989, pp. 128–131, map, 28 cm. Varley, John D. [Government Printing Office] [1990] Books & Theses
Lessons from the Yellowstone: Do you trust talking animals? In: Transactions of the fifth-fifth North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, March 16–21, 1990, Denver Colorado, pp. 178–182, 23 cm. Varley, John D. Wildlife Management Institute 1990 Books & Theses
The use of restrictive regulations in managing wild salmonids in Yellowstone National Park, with particular reference to cutthroat trout Salmo clarki. In: Walton, J.M. and D. B. Huston, editors. Proceedings of the Olympic Wild Fish Conference, March 23–25, 1983 [Port Angeles, Washington], pp. 145–156, jdiagrams, tables, 28 cm. Varley, John D. Peninsula College. Fisheries Technology Program 1984 Books & Theses
Reality and opportunity in the Yellowstone fires of 1988 [by] John D. Varley and Paul Schullery. In: The greater Yellowstone ecosystem: redefining America'a wilderness heritage, pp. 105–121, 24 cm. Varley, John D. Yale University Press [c1991] Books & Theses
Yellowstone fishes; ecology, history and angling in the Park nu John D. Varley and Paul Schullery Varley, John D. Stackpole Books [1998] Books & Theses
Yellowstone National Park fishing regulations - biological benefits and liabilities. In: Proceedings of the 56th Annual Conference of the Western Association ofState Game andFish Commissioners, Sun Valley, Idaho July 26–29, 1976, pp. 148–153, illus, 28 cm Varley, John D. Western Association of State Game and Fish Commissioners 1976 Books & Theses
The rationale for a 13–inch size limit on Yelowstone Lake. Varley, John D. National Park Service 1979 Books & Theses
A history of fish stocking activities in Yellowstone National Park between 1881 and 1980 Varley, John D. National Park Service 1981 Books & Theses
A new look at angling regulations on Yellowstone Lake—1975 Varley, John D. National park service 1974 Books & Theses
The Yellowstone fishery. In: Proceedings of the Wild Trout Management Symposiium at Yellowstone National Park, September 25–26, 1974, pp. 91–96, tables, 28 cm. Varley, John D. Trout Unlimited 1975 Books & Theses
Intoduction of mountain goats in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem: they're here to stay! or are they? [by] Nathan C. Varley and John D. Varley. In: Proceedings of the Tenth Biennial Symposium Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council, Siverthorne, Colorado, Aparil 29–May 2, 1996, pp.113–117, 28 cm. Varley, Nathan C. Wyoming Game and Fish Department 1996 Books & Theses
Socioeconomic values associated with the Yellowstone cutthroat trout by John D. Varley and Paul Schullery. Varley, John D. Yellowstone Center for Resources 1995 Books & Theses
Yellowstone National Park as an aquarium Varley, John D. [Yellowstone National Park. researcch Division] 1987 Books & Theses
Yellowstone Lake and its cutthroat trout by John D. Varley and Paul Schullery. In: Science and exosystem management in the National Parks. ed. by W. L Halverson and G.E. Davis, pp. 49–73, graphs, tables, map, 24 cm. Varley, John D. University of Arizona Press 1996 Books & Theses
Summer-fall habitat use and fall diets of mountain goats and bighorn sheep in the Absaroka Range Montana. In: Proceedings of the Ninth Biennial Symposium Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council, Cranbrook, British Columbia, May 2–6, 1994, pp. 131–138, graphs, tables, 28 cm. Varley, Nathan C. Wyoming Game and Fish Department 1994 Books & Theses
Catch-and-release fishing in Yellowstone Park. Varley, John D. National Park Service 1979 Books & Theses
A proposal for the restoration of grayling ¦Thymallus arcticus¦ in Grayling Creek, Yellowstone National Park and the Gallatin National Forest Varley, John D. [National Park Service] [1974] Books & Theses
Record of egg shipments from Yellowstone fishes, 1914–1955 Varley, John D. National Park Service 1979 Books & Theses