Temple Studies Bibliography



Browsing 1–50 of 215
Title Authors Publication Date
Un rituel du culte d'Ishtar provenant de Mari Dossin,Georges 1938
Un rituel du culte d'Ishtar provenant de Mari Dossin,Georges 1938
The Hittite ritual of Tunnawi G 1938
The Sumerian King List Jacobsen,Thorkild 1939
Sumerische en Babylonische tempelbouw : bijdrage tot de geschiedenis der sacrale bouwkunst in Oud-Babyloni? Busink,Th A. 1940
The temple oval of Khafajah Delougaz,Pinhas;Jacobsen,Thorkild 1940
The Gimilsin temple and the palace of the rulers at Tell Asmar, Frankfort,Henri;Lloyd,Seton;Jacobsen,Thorkild;Martiny,G 1940
Pre-Sargonid temples in the Diyala region Delougaz,Pinhas;Lloyd,Seton;Jacobsen,Thorkild;Frankfort,Henri 1942
Temples et cultes de la triade h Dussaud,Ren 1942
Explanation Wright,G. Ernest Sep.
The Mesopotamian Temple Oppenheim,A. Leo Sep.
De la tour de Babel au Temple Vincent,Louis-Hugues 1946
Officials of the Cult at Ugarit Urie,D. M. L. January-April 1948
None 1949
Die Stellung der Uruktempel in der Baugeschichte Heinrich,Ernst 1949
De Babylonische tempeltoren; een archaeologische en stijlcritische studie. Busink,Th A. 1949
Les religions de Babylonie et d'Assyrie Dhorme,E.;Dussaud,Ren 1949
Die Tempel der Schicht Archaisch IV in Uruk Lenzen,H. J. 1950
La Tour de Babel et les Ziggurats Parrot,Andre 1950
Gottertempel in Ur Ill-Reich Schneider,N. 1950
Some Aspects of Kingship in the Sumerian City and Kingdom of Ur Fish,T. 1951
En Marge du probleme de al Siqquart. Les Pontiles du Temples d'En-Haut Lambert,M. M. 1951
The Hierocentric State Nibley,Hugh W. 1951
The Building of a Temple Tower Van Buren,Elizabeth Douglas 1952
Accounts Concerning Allocation of Provisions for Offerings in the Ningal-Temple at Ur Figulla,H. H. 1953
La cite-temple sumerienne Falkenstein,Adam 1954
Le role des temples depuis la troisieme dynastie d'Ur jusqu'a la premiere dynastie de Babylone Kraus,F. R. 1954
Old Testament sacrifice in the light of Ugaritic literature Thoburn,C. Stanley 1954
The Archive of the Sin Temple in Khafajah Harris,Rivkah 1955
Mesopotamische Tempelanlagen von der Friihzeit bis zum zweiten Jahrtausend Lenzen,H. J. 1955
The Tower of Babel Parrot,Andr 1955
Studies on the Assyrian ritual and series b??t rimki L??ss??e,J??rgen 1955
Le temple d'Ishtar Parrot,Andr 1956
Marriage and Monarchial Legitimacy in Ugarit and in Israel Tsevat,Matitiahu 1958
The Neo-Assyrian and Neo-Babylonian Vassal Oaths and the Prophet Ezekiel Tsevat,Matitiahu Sep.
Old Babylonian Temple Loans Harris,Riykah 1960
Aspetti simbolici dei templi e luoghi di culto del vicino oriente antico Widengren,Geo 1960
The Mesopotamian Temple Oppenheim,A. Leo 1961
Myst??res et initiations dans la pr Mayassis,S. 1961
Temple Building, a Task for Gods and Kings Kapelrud,Arvid S. 1963
The Ritual Technique of Salvation in the Ancient Near East Brandon,Samuel G. F. 1963
Esarhaddon's Inscription from the Inanna Temple in Nippur Goetze,Albrecht 1963
Kingship and Council in Israel and Sumer: A Parallel Malamat,Abraham Oct.
L'Orientation de quelques ziggurats et sanctuaries du Moyen-Orient Charriere,G. 1964
The Enthronement of the King and the Capital City in Texts from Ancient Mesopotamia and Syria Buccellati,Giorgio 1964
Temple and State in Babylonia Dandamayev,M. A. 1966
The Coronation of Ur-Nammu Hallo,William W., 1966
Some Recent Results of the University of Pennsylvania Excavations at Nippur, Especially of the Temple Hill Peters,John P. Jan. - Mar.
Die Inschriften Gudeas von Laga Falkenstein,Adam 1966
Old Babylonian temple records Lau,Robert Julius 1966