Temple Studies Bibliography



Browsing 1–50 of 647
Title Authors Publication Date
A Chapter in the History of the High Priesthood Morgenstern,Julian 1938
The Priests and Prophets Hoschander,Jacob 1938
Elijah's Latter-day Mission Pratt,Orson April 1939; July 1939
The Duties of the Priesthood in Temple Work Smith,Joseph Fielding Jan-39
The Service of the Sanctuary: A Study in Hebrew Survivals Gaster,Theodor H. 1939
The gospel in the Hebrew tabernacle,priesthood, and offering, Miller,H. S. 1939
Zadok and Nehushtan Rowley,H. H. Jun.
Die Hohenpriesterliste bei Josephus und die evangelische Chronologie H 1940
Die Frage nach der Echtheit von Mt. 16, 17-19 Bultmann,R. 1941
Die Entwickelung des altisraelitischen Priesterthums; ein Beitrag zur Kritik der mittleren B Maybaum,S. 1880
Fertility Cult Functionaries in the Old Testament Brooks,Beatrice A. Sep.
History of the High Priesthood at the End of the Second Temple Period Alon,Gedalyahu 1942
The Sanhedrin and Its President Albeck,Hanoch 1943
Zur Geschichte der nachexilischen Hohenpriester Graetz,Heinrich 1881
Who Was Melchizedek? Widtsoe,John A. Dec-45
The List of Levitic Cities Albright,William F. 1945
Kohanim u-Nevi'im Reines,Chaim W. 1945
An examination of the character of the Jewish high priesthood from Ezra to New Testament times Matthews,Charles DeWitt 1945
The sanctuary service Andreasen,M. L. 1947
The Tabernacle: A Study from an Archaeological and Historical Approach Cross,Frank M. Jr Sep.
Salem Mackay,Cameron Oct-48
Elijah's Mission to the World Smith,Joseph Fielding May-48
Officials of the Cult at Ugarit Urie,D. M. L. January-April 1948
Collection of Laws concerning the Priesthood, the Temple and Sacrifice? Risikoff,Menachem 1948
Priesthood and Sacrifice in Judaism and Christianity Rawlinson,A. E. J. 1949
A New Approach to the History of the Israelite Priesthood Greenberg,Moshe 1950
The Origin of the Hebrew Priesthood Meek,Theophile J. 1950
Le-Toldot ha-Sanhedrin bi-Yisrael Greenwald,Leopold 1950
Melchizedek and Zadok (Gen 14 and Ps 110) Rowley,Harold H. 1950
Die Lagervorstellung der priesterschriftlichen Erzahlung Kuschke,Arnulf 1951
Die Lagervorstellung der priesterschriftlichen Erzahlung Kuschke,Arnulf 1951
Priester und Prophet Ploger,O. 1951
Melchizedek--King of Salem Haggerty,Charles E. July 1952; August 1952
Patriarchal Order of the Priesthood Smith,Eldred G. Jun-52
The Meeting Place Hoenig,Sidney B. 1953
Sacrifice and priesthood : Jewish and Christian Gayford,S. C. 1953
Priest and Messiah Higgins,A. J. B. Oct.
Jewish and Christian Ordination Ehrhardt,A. 1954
Aaron's Rise in Prestige North,Francis S. 1954
Priests and Sacrifices in the Dead Sea Scrolls Teicher,J. L. 1954
The Levites in Deuteronomy Wright,G. Ernest Jul.
Ezekiel and the Zadokite Priesthood Bowman,John 1955-56
The Straight Gate--Repentance and Baptism Stapley,Delbert L. Jun-55
Royal priesthood Torrance,Thomas F. 1955
Aaron, Zadok, and Abiathar Judge,H. G. 1956
Aaron, Zadok, and Abiathar Judge,H. G. 1956
The Nature and Function of Priesthood: A Comparative and Anthropological Study James,Edwin O. 1956
Twenty-Six Priestly Courses Winter,Paul Apr.
Felsenmann und Felsengemeinde (Eine Paralle zu Mt. 16. 17-19 in den Qumranpsalmen) Betz,Otto 1957
Melchisedech Del Medico,H. E. 1957