Item Detail
The Travelers' Guide to Historic Mormon America
Salt Lake City
This book follows the trail of the Latter-day Saint pioneers, but begins with the life of Joseph Smith, Jr. in Vermont, before continuing on to New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and eventually making its way to Utah where the Saints eventually gathered. Along the way, it notes points of interest for those following the pioneer's trails.
Historical Sites
Historic Sites and Markers Along the Mormon and Other Great Western Trails
Journey : Connections to a Pioneer Past
Kirtland Temple : The Biography of a Shared Mormon Sacred Space
The Courthouse Mentioned in the Revelation on Zion
The Maverick Historian : A Conversation with Stanley B. Kimball
The Mormon Trail : Yesterday and Today
The Pilgrimage Phenomenon : An Analysis of the Motivations of Visitors to Temple Square
The Sanctification of Mormonism's Historical Geography