Item Detail
Conflict in the Camps of Israel : The 1853 Cutlerite Schism
Journal of Mormon History
Spring 1995
Salt Lake City, UT
Mormon History Association
The emergence of the Cutlerite schism is analyzed. Exception is taken to previous assessments of the Cutlerites made by Richard E. Bennett and D. Michael Quinn. He argues that many things contributed to the schism including personality differences, organizational goals, authority, disaffection with the practice of plural marriage, frontier hardships, etc. The Church was principally interested in gathering its scattered members to Utah while Cutler and his followers were committed to Lamanite ministries. This disagreement over priorities fueled the conflict between the Iowa Silver Creek Branch and the Iowa high council. By labeling Cutler a deviant and an apostate, the high council justified his excommunication. This action helped clarify, define, and legitimatize the authority of Brigham Young and his fellow apostles during a difficult period when the Church was trying relocate its physically and spiritually scattered people.
Community of Christ : An American Progressive Christianity, With Mormonism as an Option
Council Bluffs/Kanesville, Iowa : A Hub for Mormon Settlements, Operations, and Emigration, 1846-1852
Early Mormon Marriage, Family, and Networks of Kinship : Begets and horizontal Genealogy in the Case of the Later Cutlerites at Nauvoo
'Joseph's Measures' : The Continuation of Esoterica by Schismatic Members of the Council of Fifty
Joseph Smith's Ambiguous Legacy : Gender, Race, and Ethnicity as Dynamics for Schism Within Mormonism after 1844
Luana Hart Beebe (1814-1897) : A Biographical Sketch of a Remarkable Early Latter-day Saint
Mormontown : Collective Memories of a Cutlerite Colony in Iowa
Obscure Believers : The Mormon Schism of Alpheus Cutler
Open Canon: Scriptures of the Latter Day Saint Tradition
Revelation, Scripture, and Authority in the Latter-day Saint Diaspora, 1840-1870
Scattering of the Saints : Schism within Mormonism
"The Church in the Days of Alpheus Cutler" : New Insights into the Nineteenth-Century Cutlerite Ecclesiology
The Church of Christ (Temple Lot) : A Sociohistorical Study of a Particular Solae Scripturae Mormonism
The Church of Christ (Temple Lot): A Solae Scripturae Mormonism
The Concept of a "Rejected Gospel" in Mormon History, Part 2
"The Highest Class of Adulterers and Whoremongers" : Plural Marriage, the Church of Jesus Christ (Cutlerite), and the Construction of Memory
The Kingdom and the Church : The Anointed, the Fifty, and Alpheus Cutler's Claims
The Politics of Schism : The Origins of Dissent in Mormonism
The Upper-Room Work : Esotericism in the Church of Jesus Christ (Cutlerite), 1853-1912
Vernacular Mormonism : The Development of Latter-Day Saint Apocalyptic (1830-1930)
"With Full Authority to Build Up the Kingdom of God on Earth" : Lyman Wight on the Council of Fifty -
Alpheus Cutler and the Church of Jesus Christ
An Historical Study of the Life of Orson Hyde, Early Mormon Missionary and Apostle from 1805-1852
Apostate Factions Following the Martyrdom of Joseph Smith
A Profile of Latter-day Saints of Kirtland, Ohio, and Members of Zion's Camp, 1830-1839
A Study of the Mormon Practice of Plural Marriage before the Death of Joseph Smith
Before and after Mt. Pisgah
Building the Kingdom of God : Alpheus Cutler and the Second Mormon Mission to the Indians, 1846-1853
Early Mormon Communitarianism : The Law of Consecration and Stewardship
Early Mormonism and the Magic World View
Evangelical America and Early Mormonism
Exiles in a Land of Liberty : Mormons in America, 1830-1846
Gems for the Young Folks
Heber C. Kimball: Mormon Patriarch and Pioneer
History of the Cutlerite Faction of the Latter Day Saints
'It Seems Like Heaven Began on Earth' : Joseph Smith and the Constitution of the Kingdom of God
Joseph Smith's Introduction of Temple Ordinances and the 1844 Mormon Succession Question
Lamanism, Lymanism, and Cornfields
Latter-day Saint Prayer Circles
Manuscript History of Brigham Young, 1801-1844
Members of the Mormon Battalion : A Sesquicentennial Remembrance
Minnesota Mormons : The Cutlerites
Mormons at the Missouri, 1846-1852 : "And Should We Die"
Nauvoo: Kingdom on the Mississippi
On the Mormon Frontier : The Diary of Hosea Stout [1844-1861]
On the Potter's Wheel : The Diaries of Heber C. Kimball
Orrin Porter Rockwell : Man of God, Son of Thunder
Refugees Meet : The Mormons and Indians in Iowa
Reynolds Cahoon and His Stalwart Sons : Utah Pioneers
Roots of the Reorganized Latter Day Saints in Southern Iowa
Some Demographic Aspects of One Hundred Early Mormon Converts, 1830-1837
The Coming of the Latter-Saints to Otter Tail County
The Council of Fifty and Its Members, 1844 to 1945
The Ecclesiastical Position of Women in Two Mormon Trajectories
The Fiery Darts of the Adversary : An Interpretation of Early Cutlerism
The Memoirs of President W. W. Blair
The Mormons
The Mormon Succession Crisis of 1844
The New England Origins of Mormonism
The Old Fox : Alpheus Cutler
The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith : A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants
The Scattered Saints of Southwestern Iowa Cutlerite-Josephite Conflict and Rivalry, 1855-1865
The Social Sources of Mormonism
The Story of the Church
Winter Quarters