Item Detail
Temple Themes in the Book of Abraham
Interpreter: a Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship
Salt Lake City, Utah
Interpreter Foundation
"The Book of Abraham is replete with temple themes, although not all of them are readily obvious from a surface reading of the text. Temple themes in the book include Abraham seeking to become a high priest, the interplay between theophany and covenant, and Abraham building altars and dedicating sacred space as he sojourns into Canaan. In addition to these, the dramatic opening episode of the Book of Abraham unfolds in a cultic or ritual setting. This paper explores these and other temple elements in the Book of Abraham and discusses how they heighten appreciation for the text’s narrative and teachings, as well as how they ground the text in an ancient context." [Author]
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The Book of Moses as a Temple Text
The Handclasp and Embrace as Tokens of Recognition
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