Item Detail
Reassessing Joseph Smith Jr.'s Formal Education
Envisioning Scripture: Joseph Smith's Revelations in Their Early American Contexts
Salt Lake City, UT
Signature Books
"The amount (and quality) of Smith's formal education, or rather, the various assumptions surrounding his presumed lack of it, has been enlisted by followers and detractors alike in order to frame Smith's life within the narratives of divinely-inspired prophet or deceptive fraud, perhaps most acutely in the context of attacking or defending the origin and authenticity of the Book of Mormon... I attempt to step back from the entangled layers of critical and apologetic modes to reexamine the historical sources and the assumptions underlying competing claims. By retracing the locations and educational practices of the places where Smith lived in his youth and early adulthood, I seek to demonstrate that Smith's formal education was more extensive than passing speculations and shared cultural memory might suggest." [Author]
A Note on the Nauvoo Library and Literary Institute
Dreams, Visions, and Visitations, The Genesis of Mormonism
Early Mormon Documents : Volume I
Early Mormon Documents : Volume II
Early Mormon Documents : Volume III
Early Mormon Documents : Volume IV
Early Mormon Documents : Volume V
Historical Setting of Mormonism in Manchester, Ontario County, New York
Hyrum Smith : A Life of Integrity
Joseph Smith, An American Prophet
Joseph Smith : History, Methods, and Memory
Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling
Joseph Smith's New England Heritage
Joseph Smith : The Making of a Prophet
Mormon Parallels : A Bibliographic Source
No Man Knows My History : The Life of Joseph Smith, the Mormon Prophet
Personal Writings of Joseph Smith
Regional Studies in Latter-day Saint Church History : The New England States
Smith Family Ancestors
The New England Common School Experience of Joseph Smith Jr., 1810-16
The Rise of Mormonism : 1816-1844
Treasures and a Trash Heap : An Early Reference to the Joseph Smith Family in Palmyra
Visions in a Seer Stone : Joseph Smith and the Making of the Book of Mormon