Item Detail
Joseph Smith and Sidney Rigdon: Co-Founders of a Movement
Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought
Farmington, UT
Dialogue Foundation
This article explains the origin and progress of the Mormon movement, as well as the contributions of both Sidney Rigdon and Joseph Smith to the movement. Both men brought their followers together to create a new, larger congregation of saints. It also discusses the expulsion of Rigdon from both the Church and Church history by Brigham Young and others who disagreed with Rigdon's position.
A History of the Church of Jesus Christ; Organized at Green Oak, Pennsylvania, U.S.A. in the Year 1862
"Called by a New Name" : Mission, Identity, and the Reorganized Church
Community of Christ and Churches of Christ : Extraordinary Distinctions, Extraordinary Parallels
Divergent Paths of the Restoration : A History of the Latter-day Saint Movement
Hearken, O Ye People : The Historical Setting for Joseph Smith's Ohio Revelations
Legal Insights into the Organization of the Church in 1830
Mormon Polyandry in Nauvoo
Power from on High : The Development of Mormon Priesthood
Sidney Rigdon : A Portrait of Religious Excess
Sidney Rigdon's 1820 Ministry : Preparing the Way for Mormonism in Ohio
Speaking in Tongues in the Restoration Churches
The Church Through the Years Volume 1 : RLDS Beginnings, to 1860
'The Fulness of the Priesthood' : The Second Anointing in Latter-day Saint Theology and Practice
The Intellectual Tradition of the Latter-day Saints
The Life and Thought of Orson Pratt
The Millenarian World of Early Mormonism
The Mormons
The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness : Sidney Rigdon, Religious Reformer, 1793-1876
The Word of God : Essays on Mormon Scripture
Two Restoration Traditions : Mormons and Churches of Christ in the Nineteenth Century
William Bickerton : Forgotten Latter Day Prophet