Item Detail
Anti-Mormonism in Idaho, 1872-1892
Studies in Mormon History, vol. 4. Provo, Utah
Brigham Young University Press
"The Utah gentiles found themselves overwhelmed in a territory whose society, economic institutions, and government all were expressions of a carefully organized, highly cooperative church. Almost all of them reacted as anti-Mormon in some degree. Their southeastern Idaho gentile neighbors encountered the Mormons in a very different context. The Idaho Mormons were a small, rather isolated segment of an unpopular religious group with which the Idaho gentiles did not agree and which they did not understand. The Utah and Idaho gentiles' initial contacts with the Mormons differed chiefly in that the Utah group constituted a small but hopeful minority. The Idaho group, instead of fearing Mormon domination, were busy trying to force a group of recalcitrant Mormon communities to join them in the operation of Oneida County, preferably in the capacity of taxpayers. Thus the origin of the Idaho anti-Mormon movement was deferred until development of mining and the coming of the Union Pacific led to the rise of organized anti-Mormonism in Utah." [Author]
A Widow's Tale : The 1884-1896 Diary of Helen Mar Kimball Whitney
Doing the Works of Abraham : Mormon Polygamy―Its Origin, Practice, and Demise
Forgery and the Idaho Test Oath
Joseph Smith's 1891 Millennial Prophecy : The Quest for Apocalyptic Deliverance
Lives of the Saints in Southeast Idaho : An Introduction to Mormon Pioneer Life Story Writing
Mormon Bibliography 1978
Mormon Polygamy : A Bibliography, 1977-92
Old Wine in New Bottles : The Story behind Fundamentalist Anti-Mormonism
Prisoner for Polygamy : The Memoirs and Letters of Rudger Clawson at the Utah Territorial Penitentiary, 1884-87
Religious Liberty and Latter-day Saints: Historical and Global Perspectives
Resigned to Fate or Resigning to Vote: The Idaho Test Oath and Woolley v. Watkins
Rexburg, Idaho
Self-Blame and the Manifesto
Solemn Covenant : The Mormon Polygamous Passage
The Mormon Question : Polygamy and Constitutional Conflict in Nineteenth-Century America
The Mormon Settlement of Southeastern Idaho, 1845-1900
The Odyssey of a Latter-day Prophet : Wilford Woodruff and the Manifesto of 1890
The Reed Smoot Hearings : A Quest for Legitimacy
The Seven Ages of Thomas Lyne : A Tragedian among the Mormons
The Valley of the Bear River and the Movement of Culture between Utah and Idaho
Zion in the Courts : A Legal History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1830-1900