Item Detail
Reclaiming the Temple Lot in the Center Place of Zion
Mormon Historical Studies
Members of four branches of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in central Illinois chose not to follow Brigham Young to Utah. Instead they banded together, and in 1860, formed the Church of Christ (Temple Lot) with Granville Hedrick as their leader. In 1864 Hedrick stated that he had received a revelation that instructed his followers to move to Independence, Missouri. Members of his church accepted the revelation, moved to Independence, and eventually purchased (in parcels) the property that had been designated by Joseph Smith as the site of the temple in Independence.
A Contest for "Sacred Space"
"A Spot for the Temple" : Reclaiming the Temple Site in Independence, Missouri
Early Sociological Issues Confronted by the Church of Christ (Temple Lot) : African Americans, Native Americans, and Women
John Beck's Fabulous Mine and Its "Consecrated" Stock
Joseph Bates Noble : Polygamy and the Temple Lot Case
Scattering of the Saints : Schism within Mormonism
The Bullion, Beck, and Champion Mining Company and the Redemption of Zion
The Church of Christ (Temple Lot) and the Law of Consecration
The Church of Christ (Temple Lot) and the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints : 130 Years of Crossroads and Controversies
The Concept of a "Rejected Gospel" in Mormon History, Part 2
The Danielsen Plow Company and the Redemption of Zion
The Establishment and Redemption of Zion
The Historical and Geographical Beginnings of the Church of Christ (Temple Lot)
The History and Acquisition of the Original Temple Lot Property in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri
"Upon a Lot...not far from the Courthouse" : A Photographic History of the Temple Lot in Independence, Jackson County, Missouri -
A Comprehensive History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
An Outline History of the Church of Christ (Temple Lot)
Historical Atlas of Mormonism
History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Period II : From the Manuscript History of Brigham Young and Other Original Documents