Item Detail
Presbyterians and Latter-day Saints in Utah : A Century of Conflict and Compromise, 1830-1930
Journal of Presbyterian History
Winter 2002
During the first hundred years of its existence, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints encountered opposition from Presbyterians and other mainline Protestants who viewed the new religious movement as a subversive and immoral cult. This article describes the evolution of Presbyterian-Mormon relationships primarily in Utah during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries as the two groups moved from mutual hostility to toleration and accommodation.
A Uniform and Common Recollection : Joseph Smith's Legacy, Polygamy, and the Creation of Mormon Public Memory, 1852-2002
Hostile Mormons and Persecuted Presbyterians in Utah, 1870-1900 : A Reappraisal
Religious Liberty and Latter-day Saints: Historical and Global Perspectives
The Politics of American Religious Identity: The Seating of Senator Reed Smoot, Mormon Apostle
Women in Utah History : Paradigm or Paradox?