Item Detail
Joseph Smith's 1891 Millennial Prophecy : The Quest for Apocalyptic Deliverance
Journal of Mormon History
Fall 1996
Salt Lake City, UT
Mormon History Association
Heretofore, the importance of millennialism for the Utah Saints has been overlooked. On 6 April 1843, Joseph Smith prophesied that Christ would not come until he was 85 years old (D&C 130). This would place Christ's coming about the period 1890-91. Church leaders and members acted on the belief that the Lord would come in 1891. It enabled them to endure the trials of persecution for polygamy because they believed that Christ's return was imminent. "Great efforts and sacrifices could be asked and given" in such a climate of apocalyptic hope. The 1890 Manifesto allowed for the survival of the institutional Church by accommodating the world. They realized that Christ's return was not immediate and that they would have to save themselves from their enemies until the Lord's indeterminate return.
Archive of Restoration Culture: Summer Fellows' Papers 1997-1999
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A Journey to Great Salt Lake City, with a Sketch of the History, Religion, and Customs of the Mormons, and an Introduction on The Religious Movement in the United States
A Kingdom Transformed : Themes in the Development of Mormonism
A Ministry of Meetings : The Apostolic Diaries of Rudger Clawson
A Mormon Chronicle : The Diaries of John D. Lee, 1848-1876
An American Prophet's Record : The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith
An Interpretive Study of Mormon Millennialism during the Nineteenth Century with Emphasis on Millennial Developments in Utah
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Anti-Mormonism in Idaho, 1872-1892
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The Millenarian World of Early Mormonism
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The Move South
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The Political Background of the Woodruff Manifesto
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