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Results 1–6 of 6 for: subjects:"Tanner, Mary Jane Mount"
Title Authors Publication Date Publication Type Cited By Count Citation Count
Mary Jane Mount Tanner (1837-1890) Godfrey, Kenneth W.;Tanner, Mary Jane Mount 1982 Book Chapter 0 0
The power of the word : Self-inscription in the journals of nineteenth-century Mormon women Petree, Sandra Ailey 1999 Dissertation 0 0
A Fragment : The Autobiography of Mary Jane Mount Tanner Tanner, Mary Jane Mount 1980 Book 14 0
Women's Voices : An Untold History of the Latter-day Saints, 1830-1900 Godfrey, Kenneth W.;Derr, Jill Mulvay;Godfrey, Audrey M. 1982 Book 104 64