Smh Collection


College, student life

Browsing 1–7 of 7
Title Authors Publication Date Publication Type Cited By Count Citation Count
Why No Revolts at BYU? The Silent Language of the Mormon World-view and Patriotism at Brigham Young University Tanaka, T. Tammy 1968 Dissertation 4 0
Morality on the Campus Smith, Wilford E. 1968 Journal Article 1 0
Respecting the LDS/Mormon Minority on Campus : College Students’ Attitudes Toward Latter-Day Saints Rockenbach, Alyssa N.;Riggers-Piehl, Tiffani;Mayhew, Matthew J.;Crandall, Rebecca E.;Bowman, Nicholas A. 2018 Journal Article 1 6
Engaging Students in the Church's Foyer Peck, Elbert 1988 Journal Article 1 0
Not by Commandment or Constraint : The Relationship Between the Dietary Behaviors of College-aged Latter-day Saints and Their Interpretation of the Word of Wisdom Jorgensen, Rick B. 2008 Dissertation 1 0
Feminism, Liberalism and BYU Smith, Perry 1996 Book 0 0
Educational and Occupational Aspirations and the Mormon Education Ethic Bluhm, Harry P. 1964 Dissertation 0 0