Item Detail
Physical Beginning of the Church Welfare Program
BYU Studies
Spring 1974
"Paul C. Child tells the story of the beginning of the Church Welfare system. He tells of the "pilot project" in Pioneer Stake. The Stake Presidency was reorganized in December of 1930. The new presidency, consisting of President Harold B. Lee, Charles S. Hyde and Paul C. Child found themselves confronted with very distressing conditions and problems and set about to find solutions to them. More then half of the brethren in the Stake were unemployed and of course most of these families required assistance. One of the first problems therefore was to endeavor to find employment for them. President Lee assigned the responsibilities of the welfare work to the author. During his tenure as Bishop of the Poplar Grove Ward he had found considerable success in securing employment for his people through Ward members who held positions of foremen, department heads, etc., at Kennecott and other institutions, so one of his first efforts was to broaden the scope of this activity and set up an employment program in each of our wards and units. As we counseled on this matter we were led into the creating of Ward Work Directors for men and later for women." [Publisher"s abstract]