Item Detail
What of the Lectures on Faith?
BYU Studies
Fall 1978
"Latter-day Saint history is replete with historical questions, some of which pertain to what are termed the Lectures on Faith. What are the Lectures on Faith? How did they originate? Why were they taken out of the Doctrine and Covenants? Who wrote and delivered them? It is the purpose of this paper to examine these questions and to supply some plausible answers. The Lectures in Faith are a series of seven theological presentations made to the School of the Elders held in Kirtland, Ohio, during the winter of 1834-35. For more than eighty years these lectures were printed with the Revelation of God to Joseph Smith inn every English edition of the Doctrine and Covenants. Although never held to be on a par with the Revelation themselves, the lectures were widely used as doctrinal aids by members and missionaries during this period." [Publisher's abstract]
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Doctrine and Covenants Editions
Documents, Volume 4: April 1834-September 1835
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Exploring Mormon Thought : The Attributes of God, Volume 1
Lectures on Faith in the Latter Day Saint Tradition
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The Case for Sidney Rigdon as Author of the Lectures on Faith
The Latter Day Saints in Ohio : Writing the History of Mormonism's Middle Period
The 'Lectures on Faith' : A Case Study in Decanonization
The Lectures on Faith in Historical Perspective -
A Book of Commandments for the Government of the Church of Christ
A History of the Schools and Educational Programs of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Ohio and Missouri, 1831-1839
A Study of the Doctrine and Covenants
Characteristics of Joseph Smith's Style and Notes on the Authorship of the Lectures on Faith
History of Education in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
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Joseph Smith, An American Prophet
Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia
Principles of Perfection
Sidney Rigdon--Early Mormon
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith
The Autobiography of Parley Parker Pratt
The Political and Social Realities of Zion's Camp
The School of the Prophets : Its Development and Influence in Utah Territory
The Voice of One Crying in the Wilderness : Sidney Rigdon, Religious Reformer, 1793-1876
Zion is Fled : The Expulsion of the Mormons from Jackson County, Missouri
Zion's Camp