Item Detail
From Subsistence to Golden Age : Cache Valley Agriculture, 1859-1900
Utah Historical Quarterly
Fall 1989
The growth of Cache Valley agriculture in the nineteenth century is described.
Labor and the Construction of the Logan Temple, 1877-1884
Leonard James Arrington (1917-1999) : A Bibliography
Nature's Second Course : Water Culture in the Mormon Communities of Cache Valley, Utah, 1860-1916
Useful to the Church and Kingdom: The Journals of James H. Martineau, Pioneer and Patriarch, 1850-1918, Volume: 1 -
How the Saints Fed the Indians
The "First" Irrigation Reservoir in the United States : The Newton, Utah, Project
The History of a Valley: Cache Valley, Utah-Idaho
The History of Isaac Sorensen : Selections from a Personal Journal
The Mormon Tithing House : A Frontier Business Institution
Utah Pioneering : An Autobiography