Item Detail
Exodus to Greatness : The Story of the Mormon Migration
Salt Lake City
Deseret News
"One of the great episodes in United States history is the migration of the Latter-day Saints from Nauvoo, Illinois, in 1846—their trek across Iowa, their temporary settlements on the Missouri River and their subsequent journey in 1847, westward to the Great Basin. It is a thrilling, faith-promoting story of a great people; a people who believed in God, and who, in their endeavors to incorporate righteous principles into their lives, suffered persecutions from their intolerant, jealous and cruel neighbors. Had the Latter-day Saints abandoned their religious beliefs the would no doubt have been allowed to remain in Illinois; but they were a people of character who held dearer than earthly possessions the right to worship God in freedom and peace, and hence they decided to leave their beautiful city, their homes, their farms and their magnificent Temple (which they had only recently completed) and journey forth into the western wilderness, to seek a new home. "We will go so far into the desert" said President Brigham Young, "that our enemies will not follow us and molest us."" [Author]
A City of Refuge : Quincy
Autobiography of Hosea Stout, 1810 to 1835
Benjamin F. Johnson : Friend to the Prophets
Cooperation among the Mormons
Faithful and Fearless : Major Howard Egan : Early Mormonism and the Pioneering of the American West
From Emigration Canyon to City Creek : Pioneer Trail and Campsites in the Salt Lake Valley in 1847
Great Basin Kingdom: An Economic History of the Latter-day Saints, 1830-1900
Historic Sites and Markers Along the Mormon and Other Great Western Trails
Mormon History
Mormons at the Missouri, 1846-1852 : "And Should We Die"
Stand By My Servant Joseph : The Story of the Joseph Knight Family and the Restoration
Suffering and Death on the Plains of Iowa
The Autobiography of Hosea Stout
The Mormon Experience : A History of the Latter-day Saints
The Mormon Way Stations : Garden Grove and Mt. Pisgah
The Nauvoo Exodus and Crossing on the Ice : Separating Fact from Fiction Abstract
The Nauvoo Temple Bells
Voice in the West : Biography of a Pioneer Newspaper
Wagons West : The Epic Story of America's Overland Trails