Item Detail
The Northern Shoshoni
Caldwell, Idaho
Caxton Printers
This book covers Northern Shoshoni culture; home areas; interactions with white settlers; relationships with the U.S government; relationships with other Native American tribes; establishment of Fort Hall and its social an economic developments; and adjustment to a new way of life as a result of the government, education, and missionary activity.
Chapters two and six specifically discuss interactions with members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. -
A History of Box Elder County
Captivity, Adoption, Marriage and Identity : Native American Children in Mormon Homes, 1847-1900
Fort Limhi : The Mormon Adventure in Oregon Territory, 1855-1858
Lehi's Vision of the Tree of Life : A Cross-Cultural Perspective in Contemporary Latter-day Saint Art
'No place to pitch their teepees' : Shoshone Adaptation to Mormon Settlers in Cache Valley, 1855-70
Sagwitch : Shoshoni Chieftain, Mormon Elder, 1822-1884
Saints or Sinners? The Evolving Perceptions of Mormon-Indian Relations in Utah Historiography
The Lot Smith Cavalry Company : Utah Goes to War
Windows of Wellsville, 1856-1984 -
A History of Indian Education by the Mormons, 1830-1900
Battle Creek : The Battle of Bear River
Exploration and Survey of the Valley of the Great Salt Lake of Utah : Including a Reconnoissance of a New Route through the Rocky Mountains
History of Box Elder County
History of Idaho
The Bannock of Idaho
The Ghost-Dance Religion and the Sioux Outbreak of 1890
The History of Salt Lake City and Its Founders
The Mormon Mission to the Shoshoni Indians
The Salmon River Mission : Extract from the Journal of L. W. Shurtliff