Item Detail
The Acts of the Modern Apostles
Salt Lake City, UT
Randall Book
Examines the various Quorums of the Twelve Apostles during the administrations of each of the twelve presidents of the Church through 1985. Duties, responsibilities, accomplishments, problems and challenges as well as a general history of the apostles and Quorums of the Twelve are discussed. At the end of each chapter is a table that lists the current Twelve at the time and indicates new members added as well as other changes. The book also has an 'Individual Summary of the Quorum of the Twelve from 1835-1985' that shows each of the 87 members of the quorum thus far and birth date and place, profession and church position prior to apostleship, and considerable more useful information. It also contains a lengthy bibliography.
John A. Widtsoe : A Biography
Out of the Swan's Nest : The Ministry of Anthon H. Lund, Scandinavian Apostle
Revelations of the Restoration : A Commentary on the Doctrine & Covenants & Other Modern Revelations
Seniority in the Twelve : The 1875 Realignment of Orson Pratt
Storming the Nation : The Unknown Contributions of Joseph Smith’s Political Missionaries
Synoptic Minutes of a Quarterly Conference of the Twelve Apostles : The Clawson and Lund Diaries of July 9-11, 1901