Item Detail
Sweet Counsel and Seas of Tribulation : The Religious Life of the Women in Kirtland
BYU Studies
Winter 1980
"The Mormons fused their church leadership, developed their strong sense of community, and organized their unique ecclesiastical structure while they lived in Kirtland, Ohio, from 1831 to 1838. The women worked beside the men as they struggled with preparation for Zion's Camp, built the temple, and experimented unsteadily with securing financial stability. At the same time as the temporal building of the community progressed, both the men and the women sought expression for their religious fervor. Motivated by spiritual force, many of the women sacrificed to get to Kirtland, and many of them experienced unusual spiritual phenomena while there. The combination of sacrifice and continued religious exhilaration provided faithful women with the determination to remain with the Saints when the Kirtland era came to an end." [Publisher's abstract]
A Gift Given, A Gift Taken : Washing, Anointing, and Blessing the Sick among Mormon Women
A Gift Given, A Gift Taken : Washing, Anointing, and Blessing the Sick Among Mormon Women
'Give Up All and Follow Your Lord' : Testimony and Exhortation in Early Mormon Women's Letters, 1831-1839
Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith
Mormon Women : A Bibliography in Process, 1977-1985
Put On Your Strength, O Daughters of Zion': Claiming Priesthood and Knowing the Mother
Real Native Genius :
How an Ex-Slave and a White Mormon Became Famous Indians
Sister to the Prophet: The Life of Katharine Smith Salisbury
The Historical Relationship of Mormon Women and Priesthood
The Historical Relationship of Mormon Women and Priesthood
The Life of Dr. Frederick G. Williams :
Counselor to the Prophet Joseph Smith