Item Detail
Obscure Believers : The Mormon Schism of Alpheus Cutler
St. Paul, Minn.
Pogo Press
This book describes the Cutlerites, a break-off sect of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that did not follow Brigham Young west. This book discusses the significance of names in the Cutlerite tradition, conflict within the Church and the future Cutlerites in the fall of Nauvoo, Alpheus Cutler's leaving the Church and founding his own sect, the conversion of many Cutlerites to the Josephites (the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), the succession crisis following the death of Cutler and the journey to Minnesota, and the founding of Clitherall.
Early Mormon Marriage, Family, and Networks of Kinship : Begets and horizontal Genealogy in the Case of the Later Cutlerites at Nauvoo
In Sacred Loneliness: The Documents
Joseph Smith's Ambiguous Legacy : Gender, Race, and Ethnicity as Dynamics for Schism Within Mormonism after 1844
Kirtland, Nauvoo, and Zodiac : A Commentary on Early Mormon Temples
Luana Hart Beebe (1814-1897) : A Biographical Sketch of a Remarkable Early Latter-day Saint
Mormontown : Collective Memories of a Cutlerite Colony in Iowa
Scattering of the Saints : Schism within Mormonism
"The Church in the Days of Alpheus Cutler" : New Insights into the Nineteenth-Century Cutlerite Ecclesiology
The Concept of a "Rejected Gospel" in Mormon History, Part 2
"The Highest Class of Adulterers and Whoremongers" : Plural Marriage, the Church of Jesus Christ (Cutlerite), and the Construction of Memory
The Past, Present, and Future of the Prophetic Monarchy in the Latter Day Saint Tradition
'The Upper Room' : The Nature and Development of Latter-Day Saint Temple Work, 1846–55
The Upper-Room Work : Esotericism in the Church of Jesus Christ (Cutlerite), 1853-1912 -
Alpheus Cutler and the Church of Jesus Christ
A Mormon Chronicle : The Diaries of John D. Lee, 1848-1876
Before and after Mt. Pisgah
Building the Kingdom of God : Alpheus Cutler and the Second Mormon Mission to the Indians, 1846-1853
Conflict in the Camps of Israel : The 1853 Cutlerite Schism
Differing Visions : Dissenters in Mormon History
Early Mormonism and the Magic World View
Heart Throbs of the West
In Sacred Loneliness : The Plural Wives of Joseph Smith
'It Seems Like Heaven Began on Earth' : Joseph Smith and the Constitution of the Kingdom of God
Joseph Smith III and The Restoration
Kingdom on the Mississippi Revisited
Mormon Polygamy : A History
Nauvoo: Kingdom on the Mississippi
Religion and Sexuality : Three American Communal Experiments in the Nineteenth Century
Telling Stories about Mormons and Indians
The Cutlerites of Southwestern Iowa : A Latter-day Saint Schism and its Role in the Early Settlement of Iowa
The Scattered Saints of Southwestern Iowa Cutlerite-Josephite Conflict and Rivalry, 1855-1865
Those Who Would Be Leaders (Offshoots of Mormonism)