Item Detail
Recollections of 'Old Nauvooers' : Memories from Oral History
BYU Studies
Winter 1978
"One Sunday afternoon at 2:00 P.M., my father took me to a fast meeting in the old Twentieth Ward chapel on Second Avenue and D Street in Salt Lake City. What I experienced there was my first meaningful acquaintance, even though vicariously, with Joseph Smith and the story of the restoration of the gospel and the Church of Jesus Christ on earth. The people who bore their testimonies had known Joseph and Hyrum Smith personally, and related their recollections of them, their love of Joseph Smith as a decidedly human being, and their appreciation of the religious and spiritual understanding he had given them. When the meeting was opened for testimony these were the ones who rose and bore their testimonies, and were still at it when the bishop closed the meeting. Gradually I became aware that they were known as "The Old Nauvooers." Among the younger members of this group was my Grandma Lyon, who was a girl of five at the time Joseph Smith was murdered." [Publisher's abstract]
American Prophet, New England Town : The Memory of Joseph Smith in Vermont
An Introduction to the Relevance of and a Methodology for a Study of the Proper Names of the Book of Mormon
By Study and Also by Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh W. Nibley on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday, 27 March 1990
Faith and intellect : The lives and contributions of Latter-day Saint thinkers
Fawn M. Brodie, 'Mormondom's Lost Generation,' and No Man Knows My History
Joseph Smith and the Spirit of Optimism
Joseph Smith : Impressions of a Prophet
Joseph Smith : Praise to the Man
Joseph Smith's Athletic Nature
Kingdom on the Mississippi Revisited
Mormon Bibliography 1978
Old Mormon Nauvoo and Southeastern Iowa
"Out of the Mists of Memory" : Remembering Joseph Smith in Vermont
Probing the Lives of Christ and Joseph Smith
"The Loving Friend of Children, the Prophet Joseph"
The Nauvoo Neighborhood: A Little Philadelphia or a Unique City Set upon a Hill?
The Nauvoo Neighborhood : A Little Philadelphia or a Unique City Set Upon a Hill?