Item Detail
St. Johns's Saints : Interethnic Conflict in Northeastern Arizona, 1880-1885
Journal of Mormon History
Spring 1997
Salt Lake City, UT
Mormon History Association
David King Udall, called to Arizona to be the bishop of St. Johns in 1880, was wrongly convicted of perjury in 1885 and sentenced to prison in Detroit, Michigan. His trial was the climax of five years of conflict between Mormon leaders and the St. Johns Ring, a group of about six non-Mormons with alliances with Mexican-American settlers. The perjury case was really an excuse to prosecute Udall, who only weeks earlier had escaped conviction on charges of polygamy. After this, the ring lost its political power and some of the members even became friends with the Mormons.
A History of the St. Johns Arizona Stake
Arizona Pioneer Mormon, David King Udall : His Story and His Family, 1851-1938
Contemporary Mormonism : Social Science Perspectives
Erastus Snow : The Life of a Missionary and Pioneer for the Early Mormon Church
Letters of Catharine Cottam Romney, Plural Wife
Mormon Colonization in Northern Arizona
Mormon Polygamy : A History
Mormon Settlement in Arizona: A Record of Peaceful Conquest of the Desert
Refuge and Retrenchment : The Mormon Quest for Identity
Take Up Your Mission: Mormon Colonizing Along the Little Colorado River, 1870-1900