Item Detail
The Pioneer Journal of Heber C. Kimball
Utah Genealogical and Historical Magazine
8-part series: 9-19, 76-85, 140-149, 204-211, 18-24, 80-87, 150-158, 211-218.
April 5, 1847 to June 25, 1847. As Brigham Young organizes the company to leave Winter Quarters, Kimball records the company divisions, captain, the names of all in the company, and the camp rules. Most entries focus on distance traveled, the quality of the land, availability of water, and landmarks passed. He provides detailed descriptions of the Sioux and Pawnee, particularly the latter. Kimball also describes buffalo, prairie dogs, and other fauna and flora new to him. He notes the camp's arrival in Fort Laramie, noting interaction with other wagon trains. Kimball devotes some space to describing the Platte River Crossing. There are several accidents, and after successfully learning how to cross, several men are left behind to earn money ferrying other emigrants. The diary ends shortly after the company passes Independence Rock, Wyoming.