Item Detail
Albert Sidney Johnston : Soldier of Three Republics
Austin, Tex.
University of Texas Press
Roland gives a biography of the soldier, Albert Sidney Jonston. In 1826 he graduated from the Military Academy of West Point. As a soldier he fought in the Civil War, led the Texas Army and became leader of the Confederate Army. His history contacts Mormon history in 1857, when he leads the U. S. Army--under the direction of James Buchanan--into Utah Territory. Roland discusses the Mormon resistence against the federal army and Johnston's contempt for Mormon theocracy.
A Crisis Averted? General Harney and the Change in Command of the Utah Expedition
At Sword's Point, Part 1 : A Documentary History of the Utah War to 1858
Camp Floyd and the Mormons : The Utah War
Home Hungry Hearts
Into the Fray : Sam Houston's Utah War
Prelude to Civil War : The Utah War’s Impact and Legacy
The Cultural Dynamics of Historical Self-Fashioning : Mormon Pioneer Nostalgia, American Culture, and the International Church
The Gap in the Buchanan Revival : The Utah Expedition of 1857-58
The Prophet and the Reformer : The Letters of Brigham Young and Thomas L. Kane
The Spencer-Pike Affair
"Who's in Charge Here?" : Utah Expedition Command Ambiguity