Item Detail
New Jerusalem Abandoned : The Failure to Carry Mormonism to the Delaware
Journal of American Studies
April 1987
Author examines early efforts to convert the Indians, with the idea that they would build and rule in a New Jerusalem. Author also focuses on missionary efforts among the Delaware Indians, and how this mission was abandoned.
Amerindian Identity, the Book of Mormon, and the American Dream
Making Lamanites : Mormons, Native Americans, and the Indian Student Placement Program, 1947-2000
Mormon Conquest : Whites and Natives in the Intermountain West
On Zion's Mount : Mormons, Indians, and the American Landscape
"O Stop and Tell me Red Man" : Indian Removal and the Lamanite Mission of 1830–31
Playing Lamanite : Ecstatic Performance of American Indian Roles In Early Mormon Ohio
Race and the Making of the Mormon People
Seeking the 'Remnant' : The Native American during the Joseph Smith Period
“We’re Going to Take Our Land Back Over” : Indigenous Positionality, the Ethnography of Reading, and The Book of Mormon