Item Detail
The Unwanted Indians : The Southern Utes in Southeastern Utah
Utah Historical Quarterly
Spring 1981
'A review of the events leading to the attempted removal of the Southern Utes from Colorado represented a striking shift in national Indian policy for the 1880s. That an attempt was made to exchange a reservation of roughly one million acres for one of nearly three million acres severely violated the intent and meaning of the General Allotment Act of 1887. In the end, a land-hungry nation was not about to let this type of transaction take place, despite the political power of the people of the state of Colorado. During the 1890s national sentiment moved more towards leaving the Southern Utes in Colorado and providing them with the means of becoming Jeffersoniam agrarians... Had this area been legislated a Southern Ute reservation in 1889 or 1890, the history of San Juan County, Utah, would have been much different during the twentieth century.'
Cowboys, Indians, and Conflict : The Pinhook Draw Fight, 1881
River Flowing from the Sunrise : An Environmental History of the Lower San Juan
The Replevied Present : San Juan County, the Southern Utes, and What Might Have Been, 1894-1895
The Ute Indians of Utah, Colorado, and New Mexico
Toward a Reconstruction of Mormon and Indian Relations, 1847-1877