Item Detail
Early Mormon Exploration and Missionary Activities in Mexico
BYU Studies
Summer 1982
"In 1875, a few days before the first missionaries to Mexico were to depart, Brigham Young changed his mind: rather than have them travel to California where they would take a steamer down the coast and then go by foot or horseback inland to Mexico City, Brigham asked if they would mind making the trip by horseback, going neither to California nor Mexico City, but through Arizona to the northern Mexican state of Sonora--a round trip of 3,000 miles! He instructed them to look along the way for places to settle and to determine whether the Lamanites were ready to receive the gospel. But Brigham Young had other things in mind: the Saints might need another place of refuge, and advanced exploration was a logical course to pursue, should that need ever arise. The most promising site for such a refuge lay to the south, perhaps Mexico." [Publisher's abstract]
Apostle Moses Thatcher and Mormon Colonization in Mexico, 1879–1901
Doing the Works of Abraham : Mormon Polygamy―Its Origin, Practice, and Demise
Grass Roots in Mexico: Stories of Pioneering Latter-day Saints
Solemn Covenant : The Mormon Polygamous Passage
Spiritual Searchings : The Church on Its International Mission
The Persistence of Mormon Plural Marriage
The Whore of Babylon and the Abomination of Abominations : Nineteenth-Century Catholic and Mormon Mutual Perceptions and Religious Identity -
A Concise History of the Mormon Battalion in the Mexican War, 1846-1847
Cultural 'Encystment' as a Cause of the Mormon Exodus from Mexico in 1912
Forty Years among the Indians
History of the Mexican Mission
Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia
The Mormon Colonies of Northern Mexico : A History, 1885-1912