Item Detail
An Address by Way of an Abridged Account and Journal of My Life from February 1844 Up to April 1848, with an Appeal to the Latter-day Saints
[Austin, TX?]
"1. Pages 19. Activities, 1844-48. Account of travels since February 1844. At Black River Falls, Wisconsin, with George Miller and others at that time. Letter to Joseph Smith. Timber enterprise. Interest in taking gospel to Indians. Desire to establish base in slaveholding territory. Introduction in "Grand Council of the Church," Nauvoo, April 1844. To be sent to Texas with Miller. Campaign in Washington for Joseph Smith in meantime, 1844. Back to Nauvoo, August 1844. Decision that Twelve to direct Church. Spent winter four hundred miles up Mississippi from Nauvoo, 1844-45. Gathered company to take to Texas, where he arrived, November 1845. Built mills near Austin. Moved to Pedernales River Valley. Describes colony there. 2. Pages 916. Appeal. Desire to justify conduct and retain standing in Quorum of Twelve and Grand Council. No one but Joseph to hold keys of priesthood. Felt other apostles had no authority to remove him or place any "long eared Jack Ass" in his place. Call to all the earth to come to Texas." [Abstract from Davis Bitton's Guide to Mormon Diaries and Autobiographies, 1977]
A Study of Mormon Knowledge of the American Far West Prior to the Exodus (1830 - February, 1846)
Did Joseph Smith Commit Treason in His Quest for Political Empire in 1844?
'Joseph's Measures' : The Continuation of Esoterica by Schismatic Members of the Council of Fifty
Journals, Volume 3 : May 1843-June 1844
Junius and Joseph : Presidential Politics and the Assassination of the First Mormon Prophet
Making Lamanites : Mormons, Native Americans, and the Indian Student Placement Program, 1947-2000
Polygamy on the Pedernales : Lyman Wight's Mormon Villages in Antebellum Texas, 1845 to 1858
Scattering of the Saints : Schism within Mormonism
Seeking the 'Remnant' : The Native American during the Joseph Smith Period
The Joseph Smith Papers: Documents Volume 14: 1 January-15 May 1844
The Joseph Smith Papers: Documents Volume 15: 16 May-28 June 1844
The Joseph Smith Papers : Journals, Volume 2 : December 1841-April 1843
The Joseph Smith Papers : Journals, Volume 3 : May 1843–June 1844
The Texas Republic and the Mormon Kingdom of God
Wightites in Wisconsin : The Formation of a Dissenting Latter Day Community (1842-1845)