Item Detail
Forever Familias: Race, Gender, and Indigeneity in Peruvian Mormonism
University of Illinois Press
"Peruvian members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints face the dilemma of embracing their faith while finding space to nourish their Peruvianness. Jason Palmer draws on eight years of fieldwork to provide an on-the-ground look at the relationship between Peruvian Saints and the racial and gender complexities of the contemporary Church.
Peruvian Saints discovered that the foundational ideas of kinship and religion ceased being distinct categories in their faith. At the same time, they came to see that LDS rituals and reenactments placed coloniality in opposition to the idea of familial. In part one, Palmer explores how Peruvian Saints resolved the first clash by creating the idea of a new pioneer indigeneity that rejected victimhood in favor of subtle engagements with power. Part two illuminates the work performed by Peruvian Saints as they stretched the Anglo Church's model of the nuclear family to encompass familiar." [Back Cover]
A Book of Mormons : Latter-day Saints on a Modern-day Zion
A Chosen People, a Promised Land : Mormonism and Race in Hawai'i
A Divine Rebellion: Indigenous Sacraments among Global "Lamanites"
All Abraham's Children : Changing Mormon Conceptions of Race and Lineage
Americanist Approaches to the Book of Mormon
An Oak Tree Bearing International Fruit : The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Brazil
Captivity, Adoption, Marriage and Identity : Native American Children in Mormon Homes, 1847-1900
Changing Religious and Social Attitudes of Mormon Millennials in Contemporary American Society
Chicano while Mormon : Activism, war, and keeping the faith
Children of Promise : The Lamanites : Yesterday & Today
Columbus Day and the “Rest of the Story"
Considering the Next Generation of Indigenous People
Decolonization on the Salish Sea : A Tribal Journey back to Mormon Studies
Decolonizing Mormonism : Approaching a Postcolonial Zion
Decolonizing the Blossoming : Indigenous People's Faith in a Colonizing Church
Desert Patriarchy : Mormon and Mennonite Communities in the Chihuahua Valley
Embodied Mormonism : Performance, Vodou and the LDS Faith in Haiti
Essays on American Indian and Mormon History
Gender and Culture in a Global Church
Gender and Mental Health in Mormon Contexts
Gender and Missionary Work
Global Mormon Perspectives and Experiences of Familial Structures
Go Ye to All the World : The LDS Church and the Organization of International Society
Handcarts to Zion : The Story of a Unique Western Migration, 1856-1860
Hispanics in the Mormon Zion, 1912-1999
Indigenizing Mormonisms
In Search of Mormon Identity : Mormon Culture, Gospel Culture, and an American Worldwide Church
Institutional Gender Negotiations within Irish Mormon Congregations
In Taiwan But Not of Taiwan : Challenges of the LDS Church in the Wake of the Indigenous Movement
Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling
Martyrs in Mexico : A Mormon Story of Revolution and Redemption
Men and the Priesthood
Mormon Europeans or European Mormons? : An "Afro-European" View on Religious Colonization
Mormon Gender in the Age of Polygamy
Mormon Gender in the Mid-Twentieth Century
Mormon Gender in the Progressive Era
Mormonism as Colonialism, Mormonism as Anti-colonialism, Mormonism as Minor Transnationalism : Historical and Contemporary Perspectives
Mormonism, Gender, and Art in Nineteenth-Century Scandinavia
Mormonism in Latin America : Towards the Twenty-first Century
Mormon Passage : A Missionary Chronicle
Mormons in Europe
Mormon Women and Scripture in the Nineteenth Century
New Scholarship on Latter-Day Saint Women in the Twentieth Century : Selections From the Women's History Initiative Seminars, 2003-2004
Not a Country or a Stereotype: Latina LDS Experiences of Ethnic Homogenization and Racial Tokenism in the American West
On the Outside Looking In : A Gendered Look at Sister Missionary Experiences
On Zion's Mount : Mormons, Indians, and the American Landscape
Persisting in a Secular Environment : Mormonism in the Low Countries
Peruvian Mormon Matchmaking: The Limits of Mormon Endogamy at Zion's Border
Playing Lamanite : Ecstatic Performance of American Indian Roles In Early Mormon Ohio
Porter Rockwell and Samuel the Lamanite Fistfight in Heaven : A Mormon Navajo Filmmaker's Perspective
Pulling Toward Zion : Mormonism in Its Global Dimensions
Race and Gender in Mormonism: 1830-1978
Race and the Making of the Mormon People
Religion of a Different Color: Race and the Mormon Struggle for Whiteness
Revisiting Thomas F. O'Dea's The Mormons : Contemporary Perspectives
Rich Among the Poor : Church, Firm, and Household Among Small-Scale Entrepreneurs in Guatemala City
Saints : The Story of the Church of Jesus Christ in the Latter Days. The Standard of Truth 1815–1846.
Sexual Purity and Its Discontents in Mormonism
Simply Implausible : DNA and a Mesoamerican Setting for the Book of Mormon
Social Science Perspectives on Gender and Mormon Orthodoxy
Structures of Home and Family: North America
Telling Stories about Mormons and Indians
The Accidental Terrorist : Confessions of a Reluctant Missionary
The Autobiography of Parley Parker Pratt
The Blood of Abraham : Mormon Redemptive Physicality and American Idioms of Kinship
The Book of Mormon as Mormon Settler Colonialism
The Church Moves Outside the United States : Some Observations from Latin America
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and the Lamanite Conventions : From Darkness to Light
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Mexico
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Islands of the Pacific
The Dynamics of LDS Growth in the Twenty-First Century
The Gathering of Scattered Israel : The Missionary Enterprise of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
The Lamanite Dilemma : Mormonism and Indegeneity
"The Lamanites Shall Blossom as the Rose" : The Indian Student Placement Program, Mormon Whiteness, and Indigenous Identity
The Mormon Graphic Image, 1834-1914 : Cartoons, Caricatures, and Illustrations
The Mormon Hierarchy : Origins of Power
The Mormon Question : Polygamy and Constitutional Conflict in Nineteenth-Century America
The Mormons of the World : The Meaning of LDS Membership in Central America
Theology of the Family
The Oxford Handbook of Mormonism
The Palgrave Handbook of Global Mormonism
The Routledge Handbook of Mormonism and Gender
The Spiritual Evolution of Margarito Bautista : Mexican Mormon Evangelizer, Polygamist Dissident, and Utopian Founder, 1878-1961
The Use of "Lamanite" in Official LDS Discourses
Thoughts on Latino Mormons, Their Afterlife, and the Need for a New Historical Paradigm for Saints of Color
Time to Let Go of Columbus
"To Become White and Delightsome" : American Indians and Mormon Identity
"To Buy Up the Lamanite Children as Fast as They Could" : Indentured Servitude and Its Legacy in Mormon Society
Under the Banner of Heaven : A Story of Violent Faith
Unpacking White-Heritage Mormon Privilege : A Latter-day Saint Pursuit of Critical Consciousness
Views from Turtle Island : Settler Colonialism and Indigenous Mormon Entanglements
“We’re Going to Take Our Land Back Over” : Indigenous Positionality, the Ethnography of Reading, and The Book of Mormon
Women and Priesthood