Item Detail
Joseph Smith, Revelation, and the Hermeneutics of Theological Innovation: Joseph Smith and the Record of John
Producing Ancient Scripture: Joseph Smith's Translation Projects in the Development of Mormon Christianity
Salt Lake City, UT
University of Utah Press
"This chapter argues that the primary purpose of the translation of the record of John embedded into the May 1833 revelation was to provide authoritative and hermeneutical support for the theological innovations presented throughout this revelation. The claim that Smith had access to an unknown record of John supplied evidence for a nineteenth-century audience who saw in the convergence between Smith's revelations and the established biblical text the 'infallible proofs' of Smith's authority. Furthermore, the additional witness of a renowned biblical figure such as John to the innovations introduced by Smith in this revelation demonstrated that Smith's interpretations were sound and reliable." [Abstract from chapter]
"Dictated by Christ" : Joseph Smith and the Politics of Revelation
Exploring Mormon Thought: Of God and Gods, Volume 3
Infallible Proofs, Both Human and Divine : The Persuasiveness of Mormonism for Early Converts
Joseph Smith Papers : Histories, 1832-1844, Vol. 1
Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling
Joseph Smith’s New Translation of the Bible : Original Manuscripts
Joseph Smith : The Making of a Prophet
Making Sense of the Doctrine & Covenants : A Guided Tour Through Modern Revelations
Mormonism in the Methodist Marketplace : James Covel and the Historical Background of Doctrine and Covenants 39-40
The Bible, Mormon Scripture, and the Rhetoric of Allusivity
The Book of Mormon in a Biblical Culture
The Joseph Smith Papers : Documents, Volume 1: July 1828-June 1831
The Joseph Smith Papers : Documents, Volume 2 : July 1831–January 1833
The Joseph Smith Papers : Documents, Volume 3 : February 1833-March 1834
The Revelations of the Prophet Joseph Smith : A Historical and Biographical Commentary of the Doctrine and Covenants
The Tarrying of the Beloved Disciple: The Textual Formation of the Account of John
Wrestling the Angel : The Foundations of Mormon Thought : Cosmos, God, Humanity