Item Detail
The Nauvoo Neighborhood: A Little Philadelphia or a Unique City Set upon a Hill?
Kingdom on the Mississippi Revisited: Nauvoo in Mormon History
University of Illinois Press
This chapter describes daily life in Nauvoo: occupations, economic associations, the school system, recreation, religious worship, clothing, food, lodging, city ordinances, and crime.
Adult Education in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
A Historical Study of the Nauvoo, Illinois, Public School System, 1841-1845
Among the Mormons : Historic Accounts by Contemporary Observers
An Intimate Chronicle : The Journals of William Clayton
A Note on the Nauvoo Library and Literary Institute
Charles Shumway, A Pioneer's Life
Civil Marriage in Nauvoo and Some Outlying Areas (1839-1845)
Crime and Punishment in Mormon Nauvoo, 1839-1846
Early Mormon Pamphleteering
History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Period I : History of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, by Himself
Joseph Smith III and The Restoration
On the Mormon Frontier : The Diary of Hosea Stout [1844-1861]
Recollections of 'Old Nauvooers' : Memories from Oral History
Recollections of the Prophet Joseph Smith
The Israel Barlow Story and Mormon Mores
The Mormons, or Latter-day Saints, in the Valley of the Great Salt Lake
The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith
Winter Quarters : Glimmering Glimpses into Mormon Religious and Social Life