Item Detail
Mental Health Implications in Mormon Women’s Experiences With Same-Sex Attraction: A Qualitative Study
The Counseling Psychologist
July 2014
"Given research suggesting that individuals in conservative religions experience conflict between religious beliefs and feelings of same-sex sexuality, this study explores the mental health impact of Mormon women who experience same-sex sexuality. Twenty-three Mormon women participated in semi-structured individual interviews about their experiences with same-sex sexuality. Interview questions asked about participants’ experiences with same-sex sexuality and the LDS Church (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints), how this experience affected their mental health, and what types of mental health treatment they engaged in during their process of reconciliation. Data were analyzed following phenomenological methodology. Themes included the following: experiences with mood disorders, self-worth, suicidality, treatment attempts, reparative therapy, counselor’s agenda, impact of family and community, and mental health recovery. When treating women who experience conflict, counselors should assess self-worth, suicidality, and the level of community and familial support. Referral to group counseling can support self-acceptance of same-sex sexuality through normalization. Future research should examine specific practice interventions and explore impacts of other intersecting identities." [Abstract from article]
Community Influences on Mormon Women with Same-Sex Sexuality
Differences in Religious Experience between Men and Women in a Sexual Minority Sample of Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Identity Affirmation and Mental Health among Sexual Minorities: A Raised-Mormon Sample
'I Don't Like Going To Gay Pride' : Experiences of Negotiating LGBTQIA Mormon Identity in Utah
Self-esteem among lesbian, gay, bisexual and same-sex-attracted Mormons and ex-Mormons
The Relationship of Religiosity and Sexuality in Non-heterosexual Mormon Women: A Mixed Methods Study
The Role of Religiousness and Beliefs About Sexuality in Well-Being Among Sexual Minority Mormons -
Dealing with disparity : Identity development of same-sex attracted/gay men raised in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Mormon Clients’ Experiences of Conversion Therapy : The Need for a New Treatment Approach
Mormon Women's Experiences with Same-Sex Sexuality
Reconciling Disparate Identities: A Qualitative Study with Women in the LDS Church Experiencing Same-Sex Attractions
Religion and the spiritual needs of gay Mormon men