Item Detail
Gender and Culture in a Global Church
Routledge Handbook of Mormonism and Gender
This chapter examines social and cultural gender roles in various regions of the world, showing that the Americanized ideals of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints do not serve the unique situations of women across the globe. Many factors influence how and why certain roles are carried by women in different cultures, and often those roles come into conflict with the gender roles promoted by the Church.
A Tale of Three Primaries : the Gravity of Mormonism's Informal Institutions
Between Biculturalism and Assimilation : The Changing Place of Maori Culture in the Twentieth-Century New Zealand Mormon Church
Decolonizing Mormonism : Approaching a Postcolonial Zion
Gender Distribution of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Worldwide
Mormon Europeans or European Mormons? : An "Afro-European" View on Religious Colonization
Mormons in Europe
On Mormon Masculinity
Sister Acts : Relief Society and Flexible Citizenship in Hong Kong
Sister Saints: Mormon Women since the End of Polygamy
The Mormon Message in the Context of Maori Culture
"We Have Prophetesses" : Mormonism in Ghana, 1964-79
Women and Mormonism : Historical and Contemporary Perspectives