Item Detail
"For a Wise Purpose in Him": Alma 37's Implications for Future Generations
Religious Educator
Provo, UT
Brigham Young University
"To proceed, I first describe Alma’s commission as a record keeper and seer. In order to make better sense of Alma 37, I then examine the use of the small plates and other scriptures by Alma’s friends Ammon, Aaron, Omner, and Himni during their mission to the Lamanites (see Mosiah 28; Alma 17–26). With that background in mind, I demonstrate in detail that in Alma 37 the prophet and seer Alma points his son Helaman (and implicitly future generations) to the coming forth of sacred records other than the brass plates, especially the small plates that now compose a significant part of the Book of Mormon. Thus, I intend to demonstrate that Alma spoke of the Book of Mormon, or at least this important part of it called the small plates, in a way that can help us appreciate the Nephite record as a source of spiritual power. Accordingly, I argue that Alma 37 is a complex prophetic text about the coming forth of the Book of Mormon to not just our fathers but also to us in the twenty-first century. It was prepared by the Lord for us according to his divine providence. This proposed prophetic reading of Alma 37 assumes, contrary to some scholarly claims, that there is some continuity in the transmission of the small plates through Alma 37. Finally, such a reading will help shed light on Doctrine and Covenants 5:9–10, a passage of scripture that has implications for us and our children." [Author]
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Plain and Precious Things Lost: The Small Plates of Nephi
The Book of Mormon Reference Companion
The Legal Cases in the Book of Mormon
The Prophetic Book of Mormon
The Things Which my Father Saw: Approaches to Lehi's Dream and Nephi's Vision
Understanding the Book of Mormon : A Reader's Guide