Item Detail
The Garden Atonement and the Mormon Cross Taboo
Dialogue: A Journal of Mormon Thought
Winter 2022
"This article... account[s] for the role of the distinctive Latter-day Saint belief about the Garden of Gethsemane in Christ’s atonement and its relationship to the cross taboo. As taught in the Church’s official Guide to the Scriptures, Jesus 'suffered in Gethsemane for the sins of mankind.' We can refer to this belief as the 'garden atonement.' That belief is distinctive in and of itself, but many articulations of the doctrine also place the garden over and above Jesus’s crucifixion. Thus, as described by the Encyclopedia of Mormonism, which in turn is quoting multiple twentieth-century church leaders, 'for Latter-day Saints, Gethsemane was the scene of Jesus’s greatest agony, even surpassing that which he suffered on the cross.' According to this view, Jesus 'suffered "the pains of all men . . . principally in Gethsemane.”' Yet, much like the cross taboo, the garden atonement is not a founding-era Latter-day Saint belief, but one based on teachings of 'modern Church leaders.' Specifically, it is a later theological innovation that largely coincided with the cross taboo’s rise and formalization (from around 1916 to the mid-1950s), and for the same reasons—reliance on anti-Catholic polemics and a desire for Mormon distinctiveness amid the assimilation into Protestant America that came with the demise of polygamy in Mormon theology." [Author]
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