Item Detail
Fragmented History: Challenges and Perspectives Building a Narrative of the Latter-day Saints in Brazil
Journal of Mormon History
July 2022
"The purpose of my essay is to outline the challenges faced with writing the history of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Brazil, highlighting the struggles encountered, as well as locating and getting access to primary sources both institutional and private. Equally difficult is the challenge of obtaining published materials by academics and laypersons, particularly from North America. I propose that there exists a lack of understanding and concern by local ecclesiastical authorities regarding the importance of the history of the church in Brazil, and more particularly, the essential role and activities of the historian. In addition, I suggest there is most likely a lack of interest within the general Brazilian academic community regarding the church, especially among historians, that has resulted in the almost complete dearth of academic studies and publications in Portuguese regarding the church. Lastly, I will explore the challenge members face in understanding and following the historical method while writing and preserving their own personal histories." [Author]