Item Detail
Joseph F. Smith: Reflections on the Man and His Times
Provo, UT
BYU Religious Studies Center
"This volume is from the BYU Church History Symposium focusing on Joseph F. Smith and his times. Joseph F. Smith was the sixth President of the Church. He served for fifty-two years as a General Authority in different callings, including as a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, as a counselor to four Church Presidents, and as the President of the Church from 1901 to 1918." [from book jacket]
Imperial Zions: Religion, Race, and Family in the American West and the Pacific
In Sacred Loneliness: The Documents
Let's Talk About Polygamy
Like a Fiery Meteor: The Life of Joseph F. Smith
Restless Pilgrim : Andrew Jenson's Quest for Latter-day Saint History
The Lā'ie Hawai'i Temple: A Century of Aloha
Truth Seeker: The Life of Joseph F. Merrill, Scientist, Educator, and Apostle -
A Companion to Your Study of the Book of Mormon
A Comprehensive History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
A Historical Study of the Nauvoo, Illinois, Public School System, 1841-1845
A History of Iosepa, the Utah Polynesian Colony
A History of the Growth and Development of the Primary Association of the LDS Church from 1878 to 1928
A History of the Mormon Church in Canada
A History of the Young Men's Mutual Improvement Association, 1875-1938
A Jewel in the Gardens of Paradise : The Art and Architecture of the Hawaii Temple
Alexander H. Smith : Remembering a Son of Joseph and Emma Smith
American Prophet, New England Town : The Memory of Joseph Smith in Vermont
A Ministry of Meetings : The Apostolic Diaries of Rudger Clawson
An Abundant Life : The Memoirs of Hugh B. Brown
"A New Policy in Church School Work" : The Founding of the LDS Supplementary Religious Education Movement, 1890-1930
An Examination of the 1829 'Articles of the Church of Christ' in Relation to Section 20 of the Doctrine and Covenants
An Islander's View of a Desert Kingdom : Jonathan Napela Recounts His 1869 Visit to Salt Lake City
'A Plainer Translation' : Joseph Smith's Translation of the Bible : A History and Commentary
A Rational Theology : As Taught by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
At Sword's Point, Part 1 : A Documentary History of the Utah War to 1858
Autobiography of Andrew Jenson : Assistant Historian of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
A Widow's Tale : The 1884-1896 Diary of Helen Mar Kimball Whitney
Banner of the Gospel : Wilford Woodruff
Before the Beard : Trials of the Young Joseph F. Smith
B. H. Roberts : A Biography
Biography and Family Record of Lorenzo Snow, One of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Boyd K. Packer : A Watchman on the Tower
Brigham Young : Pioneer Prophet
Brigham Young University : The First One Hundred Years
Camp Floyd and the Mormons : The Utah War
Campus in Crisis : BYU, 1911
Church, State, and Politics : The Diaries of John Henry Smith
Culture Clash and Accommodation : Public Schooling in Salt Lake City, 1890-1994
Danish Apostle : The Diaries of Anthon H. Lund, 1890-1921
David O. McKay and the Rise of Modern Mormonism
David Whitmer Interviews : A Restoration Witness
Desert Imagery and Sacred Symbolism : The Design of the Arizona Temple
Diary of Brigham Young Jr. 1900-1902
Dimensions of Faith : A Mormon Studies Reader
Education in Transition : Church and State Relationships in Utah Education, 1888-1933
Encyclopedic History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Establishing Zion : The Mormon Church in the American West, 1847-69
Excavating Nauvoo : The Mormons and the Rise of Historical Archaeology in America
Exhibiting Mormonism : The Latter-day Saints and the 1893 Chicago World's Fair
Female Ritual Healing in Mormonism
From Orphaned Boy to Prophet of God : The Story of Joseph F. Smith
Go Forward with Faith : The Biography of Gordon B. Hinckley
Great Basin Kingdom: An Economic History of the Latter-day Saints, 1830-1900
Harold B. Lee: Prophet and Seer
Heart Throbs of the West
Highlights in the Life of President David O. McKay
Historical Landscape of the Joseph Smith Birthplace Memorial
Historical Sites
History of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Period I : History of Joseph Smith, the Prophet, by Himself
History of the Late Persecution Inflicted by the State of Missouri Upon the Mormons
History of the Prophet Joseph Smith by His Mother Lucy Smith
History of Utah 1540-1886
How Authentic Are Mormon Historic Sites in Vermont and New York?
In Heaven as It Is on Earth : Joseph Smith and the Early Mormon Conquest of Death
In the World : The Diaries of Reed Smoot
Iosepa : The Hawaiian Experience in Settling the Mormon West
Joseph F. Smith: Patriarch and Preacher, Prophet of God
Joseph F. Smith : Portrait of a Prophet
Joseph Smith's Efforts to Publish His Bible Translation
Karl G. Maeser : Mormon Educator
Last Rites and the Dynamics of Mormon Liturgy
Latter-day Saint Biographical Encyclopedia
Latter Leaves in the Life of Lorenzo Snow
LeGrand Richards : Beloved Apostle
Life of Joseph F. Smith, Sixth President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Lives of Our Leaders : Character Sketches of Living Presidents and Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
"Long Shall his Blood ... Stain Illinois" : Carthage Jail in Mormon Memory
Lost Legacy : The Mormon Office of Presiding Patriarch
Mapping Mormonism : An Atlas of Latter-day Saint History
Mary Fielding Smith: Daughter of Britain
Memoirs of John R. Young, Utah Pioneer, 1847
Messages of the First Presidency of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Minutes of the Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Moramona : The Mormons in Hawaii
Mormon Americana : A Guide to Sources and Collections in the United States
Mormon Doctrine
Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith
Mormonism and Education
Mormonism in Transition : A History of the Latter-day Saints, 1890-1930
Mormons Study "Abroad" : Latter-day Saints in American Higher Education, 1870-1940
Mothers of the Prophets
"My Candid Opinion" : The Sandwich Islands Diaries of Joseph F. Smith, 1856-1857
'My Dear Sister' : Letters between Joseph F. Smith and His Sister, Martha Ann Smith Harris (1854-1916)
My Summer in a Mormon Village
New Photographs of Joseph F. Smith's Centennial Memorial Trip to Vermont, 1905
Nineteenth-Century Saints at War
Notes on Apostolic Succession
Notes on Mormon Polygamy
On Zion's Mount : Mormons, Indians, and the American Landscape
Ownership of the Kirtland Temple : Legends, Lies, and Misunderstandings
Palawai Basin : Hawaii's Mormon Zion
People of Paradox : A History of Mormon Culture
Places of Worship : 150 Years of Latter-day Saint Architecture
"Pouring in Oil" : The Development of the Modern Mormon Healing Ritual
Power from on High : The Development of Mormon Priesthood
Preserving the Record and Memory of the Female Relief Society of Nauvoo, 1842-92
Prophets, Priesthood Keys, and Succession
Qualities that Count : Heber J. Grant as Businessman, Missionary and Apostle
Readings in LDS Church History from Original Manuscripts
Regional Studies in Latter-day Saint Church History : California
Regional Studies in Latter-day Saint Church History : Western Canada
Released Time Religious Education Program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Religion, Politics, and Sugar : The Mormon Church, the Federal Government, and the Utah-Idaho Sugar Company, 1907-1921
Remembering Iosepa : History, Place, and Religion in the American West
Reminiscences of Charles W. Nibley, 1849-1931
Revelations of the Restoration : A Commentary on the Doctrine & Covenants & Other Modern Revelations
Sacred Places Volume 4 : Missouri : A Comprehensive Guide to Early LDS Historical Sites
Scattering of the Saints : Schism within Mormonism
"Securing" the Prophet's Copyright in the Book of Mormon : Historical and Legal Context for the So-called Canadian Copyright Revelation
Speaking in Tongues in the Restoration Churches
Spencer W. Kimball: Twelfth President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Stereographs and Stereotypes : A 1904 View of Mormonism
Temples to Dot the Earth
The 1911 Evolution Controversy at Brigham Young University
The Alberta Temple : Centre and Symbol of Faith
The Angel and the Beehive : The Mormon Struggle with Assimilation
The Beginnings of the First LDS Institute of Religion at Moscow, Idaho
The Book of Moses and the Joseph Smith Translation Manuscripts
The Church of Christ (Temple Lot) and the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints : 130 Years of Crossroads and Controversies
The First Seminary Teacher
The Forms and the Power : The Development of Mormon Ritual Healing to 1847
"The Great World of the Spirits of the Dead" : Death, the Great War, and the 1918 Influenza Pandemic as Context for Doctrine and Covenants 138
The Hawaii Temple : A Special Place in a Special Land
The John Taylor Nauvoo Journal
The Joseph Smith Papers : Journals, Volume 1 : 1832–1839
The Joseph Smith Papers : Revelations and Translations, Volume 1 : Manuscript Revelation Books
The Journals of William E. McLellin 1831-1836
The Lanai Colony : A Hawaiian Extension of the Mormon Colonial Idea
The Latter-day Saint Century
The Latter-day Saints and Public Education
The Life and Thought of Orson Pratt
The Lord's Supper during the Progressive Era, 1890-1930
The Making of a Leader : A Biography of Charles W. Nibley to 1890
The Martyrdom of Joseph Smith and His Brother Hyrum by Dan Jones
The Memoirs of President Joseph Smith III (1832-1914)
The Missouri Mormon Experience
The Mormon Church on Trial : Transcripts of the Reed Smoot Hearings
The Mormon Conflict, 1850-1859
The Mormon Experience : A History of the Latter-day Saints
The Mormon Hierarchy : Extensions of Power
The Mormon Hierarchy : Origins of Power
The Mormon Rebellion : America's First Civil War, 1857-1858
The Mormon Succession Crisis of 1844
The Ninth Temple : A Light in the Desert : Mesa Arizona, 1927-2002
The Palawai Pioneers on the Island of Lanai : The First Hawaiian Latter-day Saint Gathering Place (1854-1864)
The Politics of American Religious Identity: The Seating of Senator Reed Smoot, Mormon Apostle
The Presidents of the Church
The Presidents of the Church : Essays on the Lives and Messages of the Prophets
The Priesthood Reform Movement, 1908-1922
The Printer's Manuscript of the Book of Mormon : Typographical Facsimile of the Entire Text in Two Parts
The Public Image of Sen. Reed Smoot, 1902-32
The Ritualization of Mormon History
The Spalding Construction Company and the Building of the La'ie Temple
The Story of the Latter-day Saints
"The Testimony of Men" : William E. McLellin and the Book of Mormon Witnesses
'The Tongue of Angels' : Glossolalia among Mormonism's Founders
The Viper on the Hearth : Mormons, Myths, and the Construction of Heresy
The Words of Joseph Smith: The Contemporary Accounts of the Nauvoo Discourses of the Prophet Joseph
The Worldwide Expansion of Seminaries to English Speaking Countries from 1967-1970
"They Shall be Made Whole" : A History of Baptism for Health
This is My Doctrine : The Development of Mormon Theology
Times of Transition : Proceedings of the 2000 Symposium of the Joseph Fielding Smith Institute for Latter-day Saint History at Brigham Young University
True and Faithful : The Life Story of Joseph Fielding Smith
Under the Gun at the Smoot Hearings : Joseph F. Smith's Testimony
United by Faith: The Joseph Sr. and Lucy Mack Smith Family
Unto the Islands of the Sea : A History of the Latter-day Saints in the Pacific
Upon the Temple Lot : The Church of Christ's Quest to Build the House of the Lord
Utah and the Depression of the 1890s
Utah in the World War : The Men Behind the Guns and the Men and Women Behind the Men Behind the Guns
Utah's Educational Innovation : LDS Religion Classes, 1890-1929
Voyages of Faith : Explorations in Mormon Pacific History
Wilford Woodruff's Journals
William E. McLellin's Lost Manuscript
Within These Prison Walls : Lorenzo Snow's Record Book, 1886-1897
Writings of Early Latter-day Saints and Their Contemporaries, A Database Collection