Item Detail
Safely "Beyond the Limits of the United States": The Mormon Expulsion and US Expansion
Inventing Destiny: Cultural Explorations of US Expansion
Lawrence, Kansas
University Press of Kansas
This chapter examines the relations of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints with the United States, focusing on their quest for refuge outside the borders of the nation. "The Mormons' alienation from the United States demonstrates both the zealous nature of the fervency in their religious beliefs and the limits of American identity and nationalism in the face of unmitigated persecution and unrelenting disregard for the rights of their singular and radical minority religious group. Not all who went out from under the eagle's wings were happy when that shadow again rested upon them. US expansion frustrated Mormon dreams and desires in the nineteenth century rather than fulfilling them." [Author]
A History of Illinois : From Its Commencement as a State in 1818 to 1847
'All Things Move in Order in the City' : The Nauvoo Diary of Zina Diantha Huntington Jacobs
Enemies Foreign and Domestic : US Relations with Mormons in the US Empire in North America, 1844-1854
Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling
The Joseph Smith Papers : Administrative Records, Council of Fifty, Minutes, March 1844–January 1846
The Texas Republic and the Mormon Kingdom of God