Item Detail
Edward Tullidge : Historian of the Mormon Commonwealth
Journal of Mormon History
Salt Lake City, UT
Mormon History Association
'During the last several decades scholars have suggested that Mormonism, more than a religion, has been a variant and distinctive form of American culture. Their conclusions had an unrecognized precedent. Edward William Tullidge, the Mormons' rebel historian of the nineteenth century, grasped and utilized a similar concept in his five major historical works and in his numerous essays.' (p. 55) Moreover, Tullidge influenced the writing of later LDS history and contributed to the beginning of the Mormon cultural tradition.
A New Community : Mormon Teachers and the Separation of Church and State in Utah's Territorial Schools
Differing Visions : Dissenters in Mormon History
Doctrine and Covenants 135 and the John Taylor Authorship Tradition
Doing the Works of Abraham : Mormon Polygamy―Its Origin, Practice, and Demise
Joseph Smith III : Pragmatic Prophet
Joseph's Temples : The Dynamic Relationship Between Freemasonry and Mormonism
Mormon History
Politicking against Polygamy : Joseph Smith III, The Reorganized Church, and the Politics of the Antipolygamy Crusade, 1860-1890
“Schisms, like Revolutions, Never Go Backwards”: The Godbeites, the Cullom Bill, and the Anti-Polygamy Debate
Telling Latter-Day Saint Lives : The Craft and Continuing Challenge of Mormon Biography
The Patterns of Missionary Work and Emigration in Early Victorian Buckinghamshire, England, 1849-1878
The Patterns of Missionary Work and Emigration in Nineteenth Century Buckinghamshire England
The Theology of a Career Convert : Edward Tullidge's Evolving Identities -
A Comparative Study of the Role of Values in Social Action in Two Southwestern Communities
American Subcultural Continua as Exemplified by the Mormons and Texans
Leaders in the Mormon Reform Movement
Life of Brigham Young : or, Utah and Her Founders
Life of Joseph the Prophet
Mormonism and the Avoidance of Sectarian Stagnation : A Study of Church, Sect, and Incipient Nationality
The Commencement of the Godbeite Protest : Another View
The Godbeite Movement
The LDS Student and the Secular World
The Mormons
The Mormons -- History of Their Leading Men
The Reformation in Utah
The Stenhouses and the Making of a Mormon Image
The Women of Mormondom