Item Detail
The Sermon at the Temple and the Sermon on the Mount: A Latter-day Saint Approach
Provo, UT
Neal A. Maxwell Institute for Religious Scholarship
"In this book I have gathered some thoughts together around one approach to the Sermon on the Mount that may be of special interest to Latter-day Saints. I explore the contours of the Sermon through its history, language, and temple context. While I draw upon many particular points from Christian scholars to enrich and corroborate my interpretations, I find that the unique insights afforded by 3 Nephi in the Book of Mormon bring the greatness of the Sermon on the Mount most dramatically into focus. The spires and peaks of that monumental sermon, towering from that everlasting hill, loom even larger as they are understood in the setting of Jesus' Sermon at the Temple." [Author]
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“Armed with Righteousness and with the Power of God”: Allusions to Priestly Clothing, Priesthood, and Temple in 1 Nephi 14:14
A Word in Season: Isaiah's Reception in the Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon Studies: An Introduction and Guide
“By the Blood Ye Are Sanctified”: The Symbolic, Salvific, Interrelated, Additive, Retrospective, and Anticipatory Nature of the Ordinances of Spiritual Rebirth in John 3 and Moses 6
Eloquent Witness: Nibley on Himself, Others, and the Temple
In God's Image and Likeness 2: Enoch, Noah, and the Tower of Babel
King Benjamin’s Sermon as a Type of Temple Endowment
Moving Beyond the Historicity Question, or a Manifesto for Future Book of Mormon Research
No Weapon Shall Prosper : New Light on Sensitive Issues
“That They Might Come Again unto the Remnant of the House of Jacob”:
Onomastic Allusions to Joseph in 3 Nephi 26:8–10 and 4 Nephi 1:49
The Good Shepherd and His Other Sheep in John 10 and 3 Nephi 15-16
The Historicity of the Matthean Sermon on the Mount in 3 Nephi
The Role of Evidence in Religious Discussion
The Temple in the Book of Mormon: The Temples at the Cities of Nephi, Zarahemla, and Bountiful
The Testimony of Two Nations: How the Book of Mormon Reads, and Rereads, the Bible
They Shall Grow Together: The Bible in the Book of Mormon
"To Seek the Law of the Lord": Essays in Honor of John W. Welch -
An Ancient American Setting for the Book of Mormon
An Approach to the Book of Mormon
A Study of Some Textual Variations in the Book of Mormon Comparing the Original and the Printer's Manuscripts and the 1830, the 1837, and the 1840 Editions
Book of Mormon Authorship: New Light on Ancient Origins
Book of Mormon Compendium
By Study and Also by Faith: Essays in Honor of Hugh W. Nibley on the Occasion of His Eightieth Birthday, 27 March 1990
By the Gift and Power of God
Chiasmus in the Book of Mormon
Eyewitness Accounts of the Restoration
How Long Did It Take Joseph Smith to Translate the Book of Mormon?
Jesus the Christ: A Study of the Messiah and His Mission according to Holy Scriptures both Ancient and Modern
Joseph Smith's Means and Methods of Translating the Book of Mormon
Mormonism and Early Christianity
New Witnesses for God
Reflections on Mormonism: Judaeo-Christian Parallels
Since Cumorah : The Book of Mormon in the Modern World
Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith
The Book of Mormon--A Literal Translation?
The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley
The Dead Sea Scrolls: A Mormon Perspective
The Early Christian Prayer Circle
The Joseph Smith Translation : The Restoration of Plain and Precious Things
The Message of the Joseph Smith Papyri : An Egyptian Endowment
The Papers of Joseph Smith, Volume 1: Autobiographical and Historical Writings
The Personal Writings of Joseph Smith
The Problem of Isaiah in the Book of Mormon
The Prophetic Book of Mormon
The Temple in Antiquity: Ancient Records and Modern Perspectives
The World and the Prophets (The Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, Vol 3)