Item Detail
Global Mormonism in Political Context
Forum : Modern Mormonism and Politics
Mormon Studies Review
University of Illinois Press
"I use politics, in this essay, to refer broadly to the dialogues that emerge between people regarding their common life, loyalties, and deepest concerns. Those dialogues are often areas of contestation, both within and between communities, as groups inevitably attempt to persuade or compel others. For the LDS Church on a global scale, politics as such can be seen as an activity that happens within the religious community, often between leaders and ordinary believers, but also within smaller groupings of local wards and even families... Because LDS Church growth happened relatively swiftly—and at a pace considerably faster than its changes in leadership—finding consensus around what a 'global church' means, and ought to mean, has been challenging, and has raised more questions than can be discussed here." [Author]
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