Item Detail
Rethinking Alma 36
Interpreter : A Journal of Latter-day Saint Faith and Scholarship
Orem, UT
Interpreter Foundation
"While Alma 36 has long been one of the most admired examples of classical Hebrew chiasmus in the Book of Mormon, critiques in the last two decades have questioned whether, in fact, it really meets the requirements of classical biblical chiasms. The principal objections have pointed to the large sections of the chapter that are not easily included in the chiasm as outlined by John W. Welch and other proponents. Until now, this debate has not taken note of dramatic new developments in the analysis of Hebrew rhetoric over the last fifty years. The following essay turns to the discoveries made in this new approach to Hebrew rhetoric and shows that when the new 'levels analysis' is incorporated into a study of Alma 36, the entire text does have a role to play in the extended chiastic structure of the chapter." [Publisher]
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