Item Detail
Praise to the Man : The Development of Joseph Smith Deification in Woolleyite Mormonism, 1929-1977
Dialogue : A Journal of Mormon Thought
Fall 2021
University of Illinois Press
"This article analyzes deification as a discursive practice that, together with Mormon theology of embodiment, exalted Smith to deity. Within many of the largest Mormon fundamentalist groups, Smith’s position as a member of the Godhead fills the void of Smith’s claim and answers for his continued presence in the lives of the Saints. For many Mormons gathering outside of the institutional LDS Church, Smith remains present in the lives of believers and continues to serve as a source of authority for minority Mormon groups because he became one of the gods." [Author]
A Compendium of the Doctrines of the Gospel
Life of Heber C. Kimball, an Apostle; the Father and Founder of the British Mission
Polygamy in primetime :
Media, gender, and politics in Mormon fundamentalism
Salvation through a Tabernacle : Joseph Smith, Parley P. Pratt, and Early Mormon Theologies of Embodiment
“Would to God, Brethren, I Could Tell You Who I Am” : Nineteenth Century Mormonisms and the Apotheosis of Joseph Smith