Item Detail
Joseph Smith : History, Methods, and Memory
Salt Late City, UT
University of Utah Press
"This work is an attempt to reemphasize the techniques refined for generations by the historical community that may help readers of the mormon past to better negotiate the conflicted historical record...The reader will find portions of the book that evaluate at length and depth matters central to [Joseph Smith] and the foundations of the faith...The composite is meant to serve as just one attempt to show [Joseph Smith] in the light o more recently accessible historical records that have, in some ways, previously lain in the shadows." [Author]
Apologetics and Antiquity: Book of Mormon Reception, 1830–1844
Envisioning Scripture: Joseph Smith’s Revelations in Their Early American Contexts
Getting to Know the Place : Image and Experience
Open Canon: Scriptures of the Latter Day Saint Tradition
Reassessing Joseph Smith Jr.'s Formal Education
Revelation, Scripture, and Authority in the Latter-day Saint Diaspora, 1840-1870